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Position of object in camera's coordinates in Unity3d.


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Request: Would you please change a privacy settings for OnChangeEyeCallback listeners to public in WaveVR_CanvasEye class. Otherwise I couldn't see any normal way to get left and right eye's cameras.

A goal is to get a position of object in camera's coordinates and to put there a canvas with text.

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Anyway this instances is should be getting when the camera is changing from left to right (method WaveVR_CanvasEye.changeEye() is runing)


I try to get position of object on screen by this part of script, and result is not correct.

void LateUpdate()

 Camera lefteyeCamera = WaveVR_Render.Instance.lefteye.transform.GetComponent<Camera>();

Vector3 pos = lefteyeCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(targetPosition)  



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Since the camera position changes over time, you could listen WaveVR_Utils.Event.AFTER_NEW_POSES to correct the position.


void Start () {

        WaveVR_Utils.Event.Listen(WaveVR_Utils.Event.AFTER_NEW_POSES, OnAfterNewPoses);



    void OnAfterNewPoses(params object[] args)


        Camera lefteyeCamera = WaveVR_Render.Instance.lefteye.transform.GetComponent<Camera>();

        Vector3 pos = lefteyeCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);


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