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I´m the ONLY Portuguese Youtuber who has already made more than 30 Gameplays with VIVE and post it online, does anyone know if there is a special team to contact about our Youtube Channel ?


I would really apreciate any help.


By the way my Portugues Youtube channel is this one https://www.youtube.com/c/epsyl0n and I´m still spreading the news to Our community 

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Hello Stephen,


Thank you for your reply, My channel is basically dedicate to VR since I´m a Huge fan of the technology, I have been invite 1 month ago to go to an event of Portugueses Youtuber´s called "Vidyou" to show my HTC VIVE and let people try it for free, I have done It without any support unfortunately for 2 days, since HTC VIVE still did not exist in Portugal.
I pay all my games on Steam, just to show them on my channel, if at least HTC could support me with some help in that area that would be awesome.
My Channel Has 5 Months only and it´s growing fast with 3k subs already, I started my VR movies 2 month ago with HTC VIVE, and I had to buy it in Germany to be able to bring it to Portugal :(

if you think I could help HTC VIVE to be spread in Portugal, please let me know.

My email is vitor.andre@gmail.com 


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