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VR friends


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I've noticed that we don't seem to have a friends thread on here anywhere so figured i would start one as theres a fair amount of games and activities you can do with multiple players through the vive.  So feel free to post usernames here to find others to experience the VR world with


SteamVR  kerminater 


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I just got my Vive last Friday, I too was wondering which to get, I did see some Vive vs Oculus reviews can be taken with a grain of salt, if the reviewer is a Oculus fanboy the Rift will win, and vice versa. All I can say is after 4 day with my Vive, I'm happy to say I made the right choice, I never tried a Rift, but I love my Vive!!! :)

Regards: Jack

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I have both a Vive and Rift. The build of the headset, integrated audio, and controllers on the Rift I think are better. The tracking in the Vive and logistics of setup are so much better though that the Vive is without question (in my opinion) the better headset. Also, lighthouse allows for other accessories. I don't know if Constellation has the bandwidth to compete.


I got my Vive last May (2016) and my Rift this past March (2017). I am happy to have both. If I could only have one though, it would be a Vive.


The games are an interesting topic though. Rift has some nice exclusives but supposedly with Revive you can get them to work on a Vive. I just hook up my Rift instead.


Not trying to turn this into a Rift vs. Vive thread... Just wanted to help others be confident with their purchase. I really like both of them.

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