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Shadow VR


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Hi, we've just recieved a Shadow VR devices in the lab, and are doing some experiments with it and the WaveSDK. Mostly it works ok, but there are a few issues I'd like to check on... However the information available for this headset is almost non-existant.

Since they are a HTC partner, I was hoping someone here could shine some light on a few questions we have. 

We have noticed streaking in the edges of the displays, as if the last few pixel rows are not mapped correctly. I've seen it suddenly disapear, but then reoccur again at a later stage. We are using unreal for these tests btw. Could there be a missmatch in the resolution of the sdk and shadowVR? I doubt a resolution number would be hardcoded though.

The controller; it came with a so called 6dof controller, and I can see that this particular controller is in one of the prebuilt WaveSDK examples (the mesh of it is an identical copy). However there is absolutely no mention of this controller or how it behaves anywhere. In the VRTestApp it registers as a 3dof controller, which is also quite strange as it's supposed to be 6dof.


Would be grateful for any replies and insight into this, we are hoping to start releasing some apps on the viveport M store by Q1 next year, hoping the find some information on the above asap to get going and not loose more time.






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Hi ,


Thanks for your inquiry.

I personally don't know all our external partners integration status, but would like to support you from technical perspective. 

You mention 6Dof controller, is it the one that disclosed on social media? Or others like Finch (someone mention on other thread)? or maybe we have more partners to work on based on Wave SDK.


We need more background intro. or any screenshot or logs for further support from engineer team.



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Hi ,


   Thank you so much for your reply. Understand completely that you guys can't support all reference headsets. However I'd be happy for any little nuggests of information you might have! I have actually emailed the manufacturer in Mandarin, but not gotten a reply. The reason I posted here, was because I saw the same controller in one of your apk's included with the sdk.. so I thought maybe you all had some info that's not out yet.

Yes, the controller is the one which is on their website. I have added a few pics here as well.

It registers in the headset as a "Airmouse" 3dof controller.

I will logcat for you, from boot up to home menu enough?


As for the streaking, I'm really not sure of whats causing this... It's as if the last row of pixels which are at the edge of the display, reflect up on the metal bezel. Does not happen on any other native apps, just my Unreal builds (which btw works very well, so the sdk blueprints seem solid enough).

I don't think it's the Finch controller. Shadow VR's controller seems to track by light, as the controller's concentric rings on the track ball lights up momentarily when you remove the battery and put it in again. Very strange.






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This is the best pics I could take of the "streak" issue.. look inbetween then screen and the blurry area which is the display bezel. It looks as if the display is not fully used up, and there is an area which just fills the space with the last row of pixels from the actual image on screen. This happens on all edges, howevr on these images the bottom edge was black so nothing to "streak" apart from black pixels which hides the problem.


Could it be because the Shadow VR has a 2560X1440 and Focus a 2880 x 1600 resolution screen?


Sorry for the lousy image...







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Hi ,


We can observe similar symptom you describe on our current devices, and we think it's more like a reflection of the edge outside the lens. What do you think?

BTW, please provide a screenshot via Vysor to double check since we don't know what's the original scene we expect to see.



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Hi Tony, I don't think it's just the reflection on the bezels though, at least in my case with this particular headset. I can't see this happening on any of the native apps that was installed. I have a feeling it might be due to the different resolutions?


I've pasted the start of the log from the headset below.






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