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6dof Controllers Dev Kit Mechanical Design Know Issue List

Tony PH Lin

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To All,


Here are the lists of mechanical design known issues of DKs and could be added in if we've found any new feedbacks.


  • Controller buttons not work (currently we received two controllers which touch pad key and trigger key don't response due to HW broken after several times use or drop)
  • Touch pad response time is not valid on the edge of the circle or few times the event will be lost if you press the button continuously.
  • Please avoid to drop down controller since the sensors or components might be broken. (If you find tracking quality is worse after drop down)
  • Grip button is easy to mis-trigger (There will be a new design of controller to resolve this kind of issue)
  • App button  is easy to mis-trigger (There will be a new design of controller to resolve this kind of issue)



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