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HTC Vive screen glitched after GPU driver update?


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Yesterday I installed the latest Nvidia driver. Once installed, my headset became glitched in some weird way. There's sort of a ripple or intense screen tearing type effect on my display during applications, especially during on screen movement such as quickly turning around or moving my hands at all. This is as well as my frames absolutely tanking. I have tried doing a clean install of the driver, of a previous driver, deleting the steamvr.vrsettings file, rebooting my PC and reinstalling SteamVR to no avail. My headset is virtually unusable until this issue is fixed, so any help would be appreciated. This screen ripple isn't visible when using the display mirror function, and it turns out that this issue only effects Direct Mode for some reason.
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, Are you using DDU to uninstall the old drivers? What effect does turning off Motion Smoothing and reprojection? Did you try updating to a driver pre 416.16? 


This is the type of thing you may want to reach out to Nvidia on - this is very system specific and as it relates to their driver installation tools, they'll likely have better actionable troubleshooting steps.


You may wish to verify the power settings and ensure everything is set to high-perf profiling, the driver change may have changed a setting invoking a low power profile. 

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Hi  ,


Thanks for getting back to me.


It seems that turning off Motion Smoothing resolves the issue. However, this means that I cannot use this feature as intended. I have been using DDU to uninstall old drivers and the issue still persists. Now I am currently installing a Nvidia driver from before 416.16 and will get back to you with the results.


If the issue still persists after this with Motion Smoothing turned on, then I will contact Nvidia support.


In relation to power settings, they have remained the same, so I can confidently cross that out as the issue.

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It is indeed Motion Smoothing which causes this effect. SteamVR was recently updated which incudes this feature, and I had to update my drivers as well coz it won't work with previous drivers. I encountered this annoying glitch right away and I knew immediately it's motion smoothing. I turned it off and everything is back to normal as before.

Looks like not all but some games are affected and unplayable like Fallout 4 VR. I have in game supersampling at 1.8 through ini tweak, SteamVR supersampling at 100%, using Vive Wireless Adapter, and the picture is crisp and clean and a fairly playable frame rate. SteamVR Home was not affected, maybe it's not demanding enough. I'm gonna be using it as per application basis until the issue is resolved by Steam.

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