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Lighthouse 2.0 interference with OG Vive?


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In our studio we want to have a Vive Pro in one corner of a room and an OG Vive on the other side.

The OG Vive has two lighthouse 1.0 base stations for a modest size play space.

The Vive Pro is used with a seated experience and only needs one lighthouse 2.0.


Before we received the Vive Pro, I was led to understand that the OG Vive would not be affected by the lighthouse 2.0 signals - but in practice this is not the case.  As soon as we turn on the lighthouse 2.0 on the other side of the room, the tracking for the OG Vive starts to go haywire.


Is there any way to get these two systems to not interfere with eachother?

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Unfortunately, infrared light is infrared light. The coded patterns might be different but it's still going to detect it. You'll need to set up some sort of physical obstruction to prevent the systems from seeing each other.

Thank you,

-John C

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply.  Some curtains have helped but it’s a clumsy solution in our space.


Would there be an advantage in upgrading the OG system and having both be Vive Pros?  If we were only using lighthouse 2.0s could they be assigned to each headset independently?

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Yes, it would be an advantage to upgrade the OG to Pro. Depending on the size of your space, your pair of lighthouse 2.0s can track both Vive Pros without any issues.


In addition, if you have another pair of lighthouse 2.0s, you can install that next to the other pair to increase the tracking range without any interference or curtains.

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