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HTC VIVE PRO sound issue


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if it's the same issue that i had, you need to tell windows to use the Nvidia htc vive Playback Device and not the default one, ill try to take some picture once i headset nearby 


i can't tell you why the default settings doesn't work but this is the work around that worked for me. maybe someone from HTC can actually shine some light on the issue 


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I found an easer solution that works for me, Here is what I have done,

What I have found is when I have my Headset turned on, My computer routes the sound to my headset, It is automatic when It does this. When I turn off the headset my computer continues to route my sound to the headset. I have the choice of unpluging the headset or manually changing my sound computer settings.

I found a easy workaround for this problem. I purchase a surge protector strip that I use (only for the headset) instead of unplugging the headset every time, I just turn off the surge protector. I do not need to change the computer settings. My computer will do that on its own. When the time comes that I want to use my Vive again, I just turn on the surge protector to provide power to the headset. This is much better than plugging and unplugging ever time. Anyway, Hope this info is of some help.

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