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3.0.2 Foveated Rendering support on Focus / Plus


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I'm encountering difficulty enabling Foveated Rendering added in the latest SDK update, on the Focus. Interop.WVR_IsRenderFoveationSupport() in wvr.cs always report false, and therefore no foveation is seen on device. This is the same with Unity 2018.2 and 2018.3, and with single-pass on and off.


My expectation was that foveated rendering would be supported on the Focus based on knowledge of its GPU. Has anybody managed to get it working, or can anybody at VIVE shed any light on what's going on inside the plugin?  

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Hi  ,


We see the log indicates the ROM version isn't supported.

Could you let us know if you have done SYSTEM UPGRADE? and what's your ROM version?



2019-04-18 17:22:54.180 W/WVRFoveat: InitFoveat: glTextureFoveationParametersQCOM is NOT SUPPORTED

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Version number showing in system upgrade menu is 1.93.1400.2; no system updates available when checking.

Full build number from device settings is [1.93.1400.2 9.0_g CL1057463 release-keys]


An update installed itself increasing the version number in the bottom right of the settings menu from 1.4.18 to 1.4.20, but has made no difference to the foveation support from testing.



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Hi  ,


Sorry for the late reply. 

After checking, it seems the related functionality is missed on your ROM version (1.93).

We will roll out the new version (1.94) soon, and I'm still waiting for the exact date and I believe not too long.

BTW, 1.4.18 to 1.4.20 is the version upgrade for Viveport application for your reference.


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