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Does it only happen when you up the settings page? Make sure you installed the software as an Admin and that your network security isn't blocking the vive executables. Usually that's the cause for the software to behave this way.

Check those things and then let me know if it's still happening or not.

Thank you,

-John C

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 - I've started a support ticket with the email address associated with your forum account. Please be on the lookout for that thread.


If you ever have a technical issue with Viveport again in the future, you can email us directly at customerservice@viveport.com for help :) 

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Guile Chao (VIVEPORT Help Center)

May 21, 08:31 CST

hi Zachary :

Could we arrange a remote session by Teamviewer(version 13) to help you resolve issue directly

If remote is not convenient for you, could you follow  https://service.vive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007277092-How-do-I-report-an-issue-provide-logs-to-VIVEPORT   instruction send me a issue report. You can download report tool from http://www.viveport.com/q/pctool directly








I never have and never will authorize someone to remotely access my pc.

I obviously cannot do the second thing suggested.........

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