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Is there any way to switch the "dominant" controller?


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Hi there.

I am getting Tsuro working with the Vive Focus Plus and had a question...

Is there a way to switch which controller is designated as "dominant"?



  • Player is left handed.
  • Dominant controller (which handles all the input for my game) is in his/her right hand.
  • Player presses trigger on left controller.
  • My app switches the dominant controller to the left one.

Can it be done?



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Hi  ,


We design this switch feature of Dominant Controller inside our Launcher -> Settings.

Our design philoshphy is to allow user to decide his/her dominant controller when they enter the Launcher in the very beginning, and keep consistency for user behavior.

We have debated to also provide the feasibility inside the app, however we think it's not easy for user and developer to identify correctly and consistent and sometimes it will bring more confusing for user.

Hope this explanation is helpful.



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