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Cost of repairing screen on VIVE PRo - how much am I looking at?


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So I was testing my VR project at my local school and the 6th pupil to use the device walked into a camera light pole... this shattered one screen inside.. not a mark on the outside.. anyway I was just wondering if anyone has had a screen replaced and how much it cost? 
I'm wondering if it would be just better to just get a new HMD... anyway here is a picture of the pole.. might help others understand how delicate the HMDs are with the VIVE Pro.. 
So anyone here pay for a replacement screen? and how much it cost and how long did it take before you got it back. Thanks

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 - I'll PM you info about who to contact about this case. Shattering an OLED screen is an extremely rare occurrence as they're  deeply embedded in the HMD and protected by housing and PBC on all sides. This is probably a case where the combination of the point of contact, the angle of contact, and the momentum all happened to line up in a way that the internal forces concentrated near the display. 

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Thanks for your reply. It was a 16 year old girl who walked into the stand, as shown in the earlier photo. She just describe the screen flashing.. I took a look, and as I took it off her head I could hear what sounded like sand in the HMD.. looking through the lens I could see a shattered screen. As you can see its the left eye.. and also from a photo of the HMD, taken today.. there is no damage to the front.. she must have hit it at just the wrong angle or something.. just really odd.n.. but as I said nothing on the front to suggest anything really... 

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 - I hope the girl is okay!!! This seems like it would either require a ton of force to happen or that it would require the force to be applied under a very specific set of circumstances. Perhaps the pole's material played a role - maybe a harmonic resonance situation occurred. 


We've seen reports of people fracturing their nose from an impact with the wall or a desk where the HMD will have some scratches and dings but will still be functional. When I first saw this post, my first concern was about the user's wellbeing as usually the HMD fairs better than the person when it comes to impact scenarios. 


I would recommend emailing the contact I provided so a hardware support team member can weigh in on the repair outlook officially. 

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The young girl was fine although I was later told she went home crying as she was upset with braking it. I've spoken with the teacher to stress that she wasn't to blame. The teacher and pupils were a little confused to why it broke too...

As you can see, there is no scratch or dings... it would be helpful if there was so I could see where the HMD made contact.

she did have her glasses on... could that have had an added effect to this freak shatter? her glasses were fine though, no damage to them either... as I said she wasn't hurt, just explained the screen was flashing...
Thanks for the PM I'll email them now with the info you've suggested.

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I've decided to delete my last post, thanks entirely to the US support team. They have made me feel like a valued customer and not a ticket number. They offered solutions whereas most companies and their support teams read from scripts. I really appreciate this. It proves there’s something special about VIVE.


A big thanks to John G (VIVE Social) for being so supportive. Many other companies could learn a lot from such a human response to an unfortunate situation. The support team at VIVE have recharged my creative batteries and I’m once again excited about the future of VR with VIVE leading the way. Thanks again, now back to building that time machine


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