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Adjusting Calibration Settings

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Hi all,


We are looking to adjust the calibration settings to include more eccentric points in the periphery. Is there a way to interface with calibration in order to adjust these points which are sampled?


We are also looking to change the method at which it advances IPD and headset location automatically. Currently, this feels a bit rushed and it advances even if the headset is not in a perfect location.



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Currently the eye calibration runs as a seperate program and does not have any access for developers to modify.  I can share your feedback with the SDK teams regarding calibration order and advancing the process.  Are you encountering issues with the calibration and accuracy or are you asking for another reason?

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While the program works well, I've found that calibration accuracy is highly dependent on the headset position and IPD. The calibration sequence allows for progression without perfectly centering the headset/IPD inside the dashed box. Whenever I've had the indicator towards the edge of the box (not perfectly centered), the tracking coordinates are shifted respectively. 

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