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What creative solutions does VR offer?


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I think we have all seen and heard of a lot of VR experiences. Many of those, however, are either games or for marketing purposes.

After reading about Microdose VR - a program for "getting into creative states" (link to the article) - and having seen tools like Tilt Brush and Kingspray, I was wondering if you either


Know of any more interesting creative tools/apps for the Vive (concept or product) or

Can think of new ways to be creative only VR would make possible (or change dramatically).


This can also include your ideas you have posted for the Accessory Contest.

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You Have Music Room Link or Soundstage for making Music. This is the Area where i think VR will open up a lot of new avenues to people.  Just the same as myspace and youtube did when it launched it give musicians a great creative platform to work from. 

SculptrVR i have seen but have not had a  chance to play with it yet look interesting. If you can create in there and then sell your designs in places like HighFidelity or other similar games that would be cool.

Viveport has a whole section to creativity just checking it today i see some new apps to get. 

As for new ways to create i go back to the SculptVR idea of creating an App where you can make items in VR that you can sell/Trade in VR Worlds. Im not sure that has been done yet in VR you can do it in Real world using PC but not aware of a VR app for it. 

I also Think that there is a great opportunity for people to face their fears in VR in a Safe environment. If you had a phobia of Spiders in Vr you would be able to work up from a Minecraft looking spider picking it up looking at it and as you progress move to something more realistic you would feel alot safer as you would not have to physically handle the Spider and over time im sure it would help deal with your fears. 

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I see that Adobe are getting into the Tilt Brush / creative artist space with this...



Apparently the ultimate aim is for this to connect with other Creative Cloud apps. Which could be fairly mind-blowing. Start working on something in Photoshop, move it into VR, work on it there, move it back, etc...!

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There is also Kodon for basic 3D sculpting


As for more complex creative software, I know that Unity 3D can be used to create VR apps, but not tried yet.

And TouchDesigner can work with OpenVR (Vive supported) - http://www.derivative.ca/wiki088/index.php?title=HTC_Vive  But you need commercial license to have full resolution for bot eyes (non-commercial restricted to 1280*720)

 I would definately do smth with it, because I have some TouchDesigner skills, but I have Vive for 2 weeks and spend all my time in TiltBrush and RecRoom, but that will change (I hope)


So far I didn't saw any apps using camera on helmet, but it should work nicely for augumented reality.


Actually, it's kind of sad, that such great device right now can be used mostly for games, not for art, education or scientific experiments (for example I can imagine how external camera streaming video to HTC helmet can simulate out-of-body expirience)

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Actually, it's kind of sad, that such great device right now can be used mostly for games, not for art, education or scientific experiments (for example I can imagine how external camera streaming video to HTC helmet can simulate out-of-body expirience)

This is an area we want to push towards with Viveport, . We certainly see the VR field as being a lot bigger and more inclusive than just games. As with a lot of other technologies though, games are leading the way in some aspects. :)


There are some interesting art experiences out there for sure. Have you checked out The Night Cafe on Viveport? It's a 3D realization/homage to Van Gogh. It's short, but quite cool (also free).

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I think with today's release of Google Earth we're definitely a step closer to that. Which would be wild. I remember years ago looking up all the places I used to live on Google Street View - it'd be downright eerie to visit those places in VR.


(Not to mention over time Google Street View is literally becoming an archive of real places. You can already skip around in time-frame in some places. I've said before my VR dream is to walk around a virtual city in a different time... imagine literally rewinding time in Google Street View from present day to say, the 1960s...)

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Google actually offers Cardboard support in their StreetView app, which is quite amazing even on my iPhone SE in what is probably the worst cardboard-esce HMD out there.

Obviously, Vive  support -especially the controllers - would be a essential for a comfortable experience, though.

Google also offers quite a nice API for Streetview. The resolution is limited to 640 x 640 with a free plan and I haven't checked how much the paid plan is, but this seems promising.

I might have a look at it if I manage to understand how to develop for OSVR.

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