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Can't complete SRWorks setup


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Hi, when SRWorks is added to a new Unity (2019) project, then the scene is opened, I can get through step1 - Enable OpenVR. However step 2 - Update layers - does not respond. Clicking the button does nothing, though the button flashes.

I've had this issue on two separate PCs. Is this a Unity 2019 thing or is there something I'm missing? E.g. do I need SteamVR Unity plugin to be added to the project first (it says nothing about that in the guide).

If I close the setup window and run the scene, the passthrough from the cameras shows in the Editor and the game window, but nothing happens in the headset. I'm assuming for now that this is to do with the layers not being setup.

@Daniel_Y @Dario @Jad

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