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Can The Vive Play Rift Games?


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Essentially, I'm deciding between Vive and the Rift, and a question I have is can the Vive take the Rift's place in the areas that the Rift is used? Like sitting, just the headset without the motion controllers, playing something like Skyrim, Forza, CSGO, etc etc? 

Or Would I just be better off getting the Rift if I'm gonna be playing more sitting down relaxed things like that?

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You can use the Vive in full standing, or seated mode. Any game that is Vive compatible may have a 'standing' or 'room scale' mode, but there are many games that do seated mode only.


There are also solutions to play 'Oculus only' games, although these are third-party solutions which HTC doesn't officially support. Here's an article to get you started. :)

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