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Faulty Basestation ?


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@Amorgeddon - That's definitely not a behavior you want to see in a station. I'd recommend collecting the serial number off of the back of the unit and going to www.vive.com/support -> contact us -> contact us and requesting a repair RMA. There isn't alot of components in the station that can come loose like this - my best guess is that it's one of the "lenses" that covers one of the laser apertures but it's impossible to fully ID without inspection of the station or internal photos that show the loose components. You can theoretically use the other station in single channel mode (ch A) while the suspicious unit is under repair - it's going to work best for seated apps as you won't have the same 360 coverage provided by two stations.

It's worth taking this opportunity to note to anybody else who may be reading this that moving a base-station while it's plugged in and spinning is the easiest way permanently damage a station.



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