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WaveSDK + Oculus Quest = Do not work


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I wanted to make an app that works with an Oculus Quest AND a Vive Focus Plus.

I drag & dropped the wave_sdk.unitypackage (3.0.2) in an empty Unity3D 2018.3.14f1 project, then I modify my project settings as you can see in the pictures.

Then I build the project in my Oculus Quest and when I launch the app, it crashes, return to menu.


I did not even put the WaveVR prefab in the scene. What should I do to make an app that works with Oculus Quest AND HTC Vive Focus Plus ?

Thank you !

2019-09-11 11_34_18-Films et TV.png

2019-09-11 11_34_29-Unity 2018.3.14f1 - SampleScene.unity - Test - Android _DX11 on DX9 GPU_.png

2019-09-11 11_35_20-Unity 2018.3.14f1 - SampleScene.unity - Test - Android _DX11 on DX9 GPU_.png

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