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[Resource] Quick guideline reference table when you upgrade content to 3.1.4

Tony PH Lin

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To All,


We're pleased to announce the latest Wave SDK 3.1.4 has been released, in the meantime we still find some of our publishing contents are still built under previous SDK versions (like 2.1 or even previous one).

We're working closely and continuously with developer community to put your feature requests inside our new SDK release, therefore we strongly encourage you can keep an eyes on our new features and plan content upgrade to enjoy the additional benefit and value-added functionalities.


Here we summarize the major steps and items how to upgrade to 3.1.4 from all existing release versions. 

Please download the zip file and there include Unity, Unreal and Native apps porting list table.

Welcome to give us feedback if you still encounter the issue, or you feel if it's really helpful to support your content upgrade.



Vive Wave SDK Team

Wave Porting Table.zip

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