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No Vive Infinity code in cosmos box


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my box is plain white. I've been running round in circles with your help desk. After sending them all the details. They sent a code that didn't work. Now I'm back to square one with them asking for the details again. I'm considering sending it back and getting a refund. I don't expect to pay so much and get messed around.

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On 10/25/2019 at 7:34 PM, KhantCaThing said:

my box is plain white. I've been running round in circles with your help desk. After sending them all the details. They sent a code that didn't work. Now I'm back to square one with them asking for the details again. I'm considering sending it back and getting a refund. I don't expect to pay so much and get messed around.

Sorry but it's kinda hard to believe you did not get this Blue coloured insert flap.  Maybe make sure your mom/wife/partner did not throw it out, lol!

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 3 months later...

I didn't get the advertised free VivePort 6 months subscription with my Vive Pro Starter Kit either. It was on the advertiser's webpage but not on the VivePro's packaging - not indicated on the box nor available as a coupon code inside the box. However I did get a 2-month free VivePort subscription coupon which came with the Wireless Adapter.   



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