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Controllers on Bluetooth or WiFi


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Hi, I dont have at now a HTC Vive. But I want to have that. And I need to know:

How can I create connection with controllers by WiFi or Bluetooth?

Its function is available on controllers? Or I need to find some another ways to create that wireless connection?


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The controllers communicate with the headset via a propietary protocol engineered by Valve. Are you looking to override that and connect via wifi or Bluetooth instead?


As far as I know, it's not possible. The controllers actually sync with the HMD, which itself is connected to your PC directly.

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As I understand it, , the light houses / base stations don't connect to your PC at all. They're essentially 'dumb' in that they project a field which registers against the sensors in the HMD, which connects (physically) to the PC via your 3-in-1 cable, and is updating your position in real time. The controllers are also connecting to the HMD via the protocol mentioned.

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