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Hey, got the same error. I think servers are pretty full or something like that. I solved the issue loggin off, close the vive app and all instances by the task manager, then run again the vive app and loggin on...


Hope it helps

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  • 1 month later...

Hi , follow these steps to see if it helps the issue.


- Sign out of Viveport, and ensure you're signed out of any active sessions in web browser(s). Clear your cache including cookies, then sign in to Viveport again and attempt to restart the download.


- Temporarily disable any firewall or anti-virus software, then log out and log in, then attempt to restart the download. (We've seen issues with Norton and Webroot software so far; we're in touch with those companies to update their software.)


If you are still experiencing download issues after trying these steps, please send us a log file to help us diagnose. Here's how to do so:


1. Launch the Vive desktop client. 

2. Go to Settings.


3. Under Help, click Report Issue.


4. Fill in the required fields. If you can, please provide details on what you were doing at the time of the crash.


5. Click Archive Logs and Send.


6. Your email app will be launched to ask you to send out the logs. If you do not have an email app set up, then you will be shown where the logs are to mail them separately.


(Please do not send any other queries to the Viveport feedback address, as they will not be answered.)

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