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Cable Management? What is everyone using to keep Cables off the Ground?


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I created my own from parts i had laying around. Clipping the cable to your waist area lessens the load on the HMD a lot. I used part of a pulley system that is used to lift bicycles together with the belt clip. You can adjust the lenght of the cable to adjust the height the cable gets pulled of the ground. You don't want a cable in your play area.  Adjusting the weight on the pulley increases the tension on the cable. 
I have the cable adjusted to float just beneath waist level. If i crouch the cable is pulled down also by my belt clip.  Turning in to the cable just rolls it around your waist. Turning back unrolls it. I have a play area of 3x2.5 meters currently and i works great.

I have applied my leet paint skills to try and draw what i made. 

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Finally had some time to make pictures. The babysit was trying out the Vive. The setup is made up out off a pulley system i had laying around. I 3d printed the 3 yellow parts but these can be easily replaced by something else. The belt clip was designed by RichWP and downloaded from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1574006. My current room is disaster to play in but the pulley makes it alot more usefull.

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