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Can't access the app I paid for.


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I signed up to HTC with my steam account and bought Appolo 11 VR. Helas, after 30 minutes of frustration I couldn't find this app on my steam VR, I signed up on HTC creating another account. No more AppoloVR. What can I do?   this was my  Transaction ID: 5150877465698315S for 5.63£   Best wishes   Pierre

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Hey  - take a look at this FAQ on how to find Viveport purchases.


If you created another account, it won't have your purchased app on it, because it's associated with your original account. That account still exists (it might not be the one you used to sign into the forums here, I'm not sure) so if you set up Viveport, per the FAQ, then sign in using the account you bought the app with, you should be all set. Fingers crossed for you. Let me know if you have further issues.

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