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Cosmos tracking with other users in the room

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Wanted to ask if someone have had problems in the tracking (using the original inside-out system and not the Elite one) with one or more other person in the room.

For an upcoming project we will train a person trough a simulator, but other person might be in the room to look at him during the training. Meaning the environment will be not static, but with others moving around. Will this create problems?

More in general what are the tricks that come out in these months to optimize the tracking? On my side I'm using it in short burst for demos and testing so in fact never have had many problems, but also never need to optimize for hours of usage.

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I play with min e in a room full of people and a toddler that amazingly does not get KO'ed as she loved to run around peple in VR.

you get a tension headache watching her !! I assume one day she will learn her own lesson as she doenst listen to us !!!

so yeah a full room of people doesn't seem to bother it, we have well distinct items in our living room though, Black corner couch 1 orange feature wall, light floor and light brown rug.

There are plenty of posts in regards to improving tracking on this forum, if your having issues but obviously lighting is a good start, and think of point tracking, suggested has been coloureed post it notes on walls.

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I have 7 cats constantly playing around me, and sometimes my guests play and I watch them, or otherwise. Did not see any problem with that. 

It would actually be real nice is we'd hear how does room tracking works. Does it memorize edges? Does it memorize light emitting devices? Does it just scan all the trash around the room and this way remembers surroundings? Would be nice to get an answer to that. 

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As long as the environment is well lit and there are good tracking points - movement doesn't affect it too much. The ML is specifically trying to find the static tracking points in your environment to build an environment map. The roomsetup stage specifically tries to construct that map - if you have people moving around during that stage - that's when it would be most detrimental.

I've used Cosmos at conventions (while those existed) and it never really had issues with crowds moving around.

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Thanks all your feedback is very valuable.

I suppose the ML performs some sort of feature extraction so to find not changing details in the environment, so that if the people are not too many so to occlude this fixed features the tracking can work.

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