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New Focus ROM Update?


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Yesterday my Focus Plus updated to a new ROM version (4.01.623.320). This appears to have made significant changes to the display, and now I am finding that I immediately start to feel nauseous as the display is not moving to the same degree as my head movements. When moving my head, the image displayed appears to move too much. Everything also "appears" to be much closer than before.

I am not sure whether the ROM was due to appear on my HMD or whether or has been pushed out in error.

I've submitted a support request for this, but wondering if anyone else had experienced this?

@Tony PH Lin

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Hi @Beta_Tester,

We did make changes to improve the lens distortion symptom on this Beta Developer ROM.

May I know what's app you have experienced this symptom? In Viveport Launcher or other apps? If in Launcher, please go to Setting, and you can see a small version no. on right button side like 1.4.62, or other no. Please let us know since this new change need to be effective when app is rebuild based on SDK 3.2.

In addition, could you help to provide full logs for our further check if you still have?


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Thanks for getting back to me. Are you saying that there should be no visual changes for an app built on an SDK before version 3.2?

Definitely saw some weird effects in the ViveportM launcher after the update. 

I'll grab a logcat and the version number later on this week.

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Hi @Beta_Tester,

Thanks for your feedback, and after we invited more people to try some can observe the descriptions as you provided "the image displayed appears to move too much. Everything also "appears" to be much closer than before."

Currently we have another internal versions under tuning, and once it's ready we may have your comments again.



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@Beta_Tester, sorry as I know there is no easy step to roll back to previous ROM version. As I know, there will be another Dev ROM (with newer tuning version as I mentioned earlier) for selected partners.

It's an alternative way to add you into white list to push to a new Fota. However I'm not sure if it's the option you can accept or you can wait our formal release of System Upgrade which may happen around mid of Sep.


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