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Working in Unreal Engine with Blueprints

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Hi, I've only just started learning and using Unreal Engine for my masters research so apologies if the question seems redundant.

If I start a blueprint project, can I add a C++ class to the project to run the sranipal SDK in Unreal or do I have to start from a C++ project from the very beginning? I'm very new to coding so I don't think I can manage creating a C++ project from the start. If not, then can I transform that blueprint project to a C++ one and then use sranipal?

I want to start developing using Blueprints, which would consist of a basic environment and a single npc with minimal movement and no interactions other than simply moving in a small limited space. I already went through the webinar and I can see that I can extract status, focus and eye data from the Pro Eye using the sranipal in the prototype, and I need those 3 datasets from it. Can someone also help me on how to save it in an external excel file or the like?


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@ArAnish, If you start from a Blueprint project you can always convert it to a C++ project by creating a new C++ Class from the Unreal Editor (Add New-->C++ Class). Here is a link: https://allarsblog.com/2015/11/05/converting-bp-project-to-cpp/

You can use our SRanipal SDK both in a Blueprint-only project and in a C++ project. We recommend the latter, because then you can easily extend what is available in the plugin, e.g you can create extra BP nodes for your project.

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@MariosBikos_HTC thanks for the reply, unfortunately I have to use blueprints because I don't have any coding experience in Unreal.

I downloaded the relevant files, and copied the "sranipal" folder from the 03_Unreal/Plugins folder into the Plugins folder of UE 4.25.4. I opened up my project, activated the sranipal plugin but after restarting it gives the Missing Modules error.
I went through the forums and saw a workaround where someone edited the SRanipal.uplugin file inside the plugin and changed "Installed": false to true, but that didn't work. Any help is appreciated.

On another note, I plan to use the SRanipal functionalities using the new C++ Class option in my Blueprint project. As I mentioned earlier, I have a few VR scenes and I want to extract status, focus and eye datasets from the Pro Eye. Would it be possible for you to give me any useful links/tutorials other than the webinar? 


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@MariosBikos_HTC Update: Missing Modules error solved. Here's what I did for anyone who might run into this particular problem.

1. Check IDE version, mine was 2017, so I removed and did a clean reinstall of Visual Studio 2019. If the installer crashes, make sure to turn off software's like RTSS and MSI Afterburner, which interferes with the installation and makes it crash.
2. Copy the SRanipal plugin folder to your project file, then right click on your .project file and generate visual studio project files.
3. Open the project as usual, activate the SRanipal plugin and restart. The engine would give an error but also give you an option to rebuild manually. It'll work this time.


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  • 3 years later...
On 1/20/2021 at 10:58 AM, ArAnish said:

2. Copy the SRanipal plugin folder to your project file, then right click on your .project file and generate visual studio project files.
3. Open the project as usual, activate the SRanipal plugin and restart. The engine would give an error but also give you an option to rebuild manually. It'll work this time.

@ArAnish, did you mean .uproject file? I tried this, but getting the same error message as this question mentioned, any solution?

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