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HTC Vive Cosmos spitting out a ton display errors (SteamVR) HELP!!


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When I got my VR headset it was working completely fine with a little bit of performance drops. One time I turned it on and it was stuttering a lot. Restarted my computer and worked for about a hour until it started to happen again. I didn't know what the problem was so I assumed it was my pc being underpowered until I looked at the task manager and saw that both my CPU and GPU where fine. After a couple of days I found what the SteamVR performance graph was and turned it on. When observing what was happening I saw that there were a bunch of big pink lines. SteamVR said that these were display errors. So I immediately pointed my fingers at my graphics card and started troubleshooting. I reverted graphics drivers but it didn't work so I went back to the latest update and started messing with the Nvidia control panel. Nothing worked so I performed a clean install of the latest Nvidia driver and Vive cosmos drivers. I also reinstalled Steam, Viveport, and Vive Console. I cleared the tracking data as well. Unfortunately none of that worked. I'm having a really frustrating time trying to problem solve this since I just want to have a good VR experience. This stuttering makes some games unplayable such as Beat Saber.

GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060
CPU: Intel i5-8400
RAM: 16GB DDR4 3200MHz

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19 hours ago, KristinaBanana said:

I would suggest you to try motion compensation in Vive Console to see if performance drops improve. 

Motion compensation actually makes it worse in some way. When I turn it on I immediately start seeing artifacts. Feels like pixels are not synced and latency is horrible.

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