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Vive Pro 2 - headphone hum and buzz, no steamVR motion smoothing, no 120hz wireless

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Dear Vive,

The right headphone makes a horrible buzzing/static sound all the time, rendering the headset unusable without external headphones - headset is on its own surge protector - can this be fixed or is it RMA time? Everyone on reddit is experiencing this to some degree.

Will steamVR motion smoothing be supported? I cannot run most things with a 3090 with this headset

Will 120hz wireless ever be supported with the vive pro wireless kit?

Thank you.

Respectfully yours

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Can I get some official input here?

Ive also had screen flicker; worst, most horrendous lens glare I can possibly imagine; abysmal sweetspot; poor edge to edge clarity.

Sharpness compared to G2 is as if someone smeared Vive Pro 2 with vaseline.

Im running it off 3090 in extreme mode.

Edited by maxstep
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Hi @C.T.,

It was fixed by full shutdown - but latest firmware introduces a HUGE issue with column mismatch, pixel grid is visible

Vive is not communicating. Unless we hear concrete things regarding column mismatch fix and steamVR motion smoothing I am returning the entire vive kit back.

Absolutely shameful how customers are stone-walled, I just dont understand.

Lens glare is horrific. Wireless does not do 120hz or anything close to a real res. Headphones buzz. Tracking jitters. Motion smoothing is atrocious. Sweet spot is non existent. Brightness is subpar. HMD gets very hot. The need to turn off the link box to prevent further overheating is insane. Vive console frequently glitches out. Switching between 120 and 90 never works right. Im running this on a top end rtx 3090 and 10900k build.

Please communicate. Please explain how all these issues are there. At the very least reassure us that column mismatch will be fixed and we will get steamVR motion smoothing. You are forcing me to send the entire kit back by this. Headset got way worse since the day I got it with the visible pixel grid. 

I just dont understand - headed for bankruptcy? 

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To add a few: passthrough cameras are not only atrocious, but when they are merely enabled in steamVR there is more jitter and instability with the unit. Face cover was made from something utterly unpalatable and cheap-feeling, gives skin irritation and is impossible to clean. HMD is very uncomfortable and *twice* the weight of my HP Reverb G2. Which despite offering less resolution looks so sharp, clear, and bright in comparison to the Vive Pro 2 that I want to cry.

I do like the fov. 120hz wired is great. Colours are dim, but vivid and reasonably dialed in between life-like and cinematic.

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17 minutes ago, maxstep said:

Thank you, its truly ridiculous.

I just want communication at the end of the day.

Maybe you can write some vr youtubers too,the more the better..we need communication..And a fix

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