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  1. @1538038 - Vive Focus 3 is an enterprise headset and is mostly designed for playing mobile content specifically built out for Focus 3. It has a feature called "Vive Business Streaming" that lets you cast WiFi streaming over to the headset to play PCVR content - but that's not it's biggest strength. There isn't a huge value proposition for regular customers who just want to play games. For something like simulators - you generally want to want to play with a headset that's wired to get the maximum resolution and quality. A PCVR specific headset will be more comfortable to wear over longer periods of time and you'll be able to see things like gauges and flight instruments clearer because the signal to the headset will be higher bitrate and it will be uncompressed video
  2. @khunsu Basestation power management is handled by bluetooth radios and drivers in the linkbox and is completely independent of your motherboard. If you have a Vive, Vive Pro, or Vive Pro 2 Linkbox - you should be good to go as long as it's plugged in and powered on. Alternatively if you have any home automation setup (e.g. Homekit), you can buy smart plugs, and then do additional automation on top of them. I personally use some homekit plugs because it lets me programatically turn them off everyday at a set time, and lets me integrate turning on the basestations into a broader voice command (e.g. "Link Start"!)
  3. @endros You'll need a much more powerful GPU. Vive Pro 2 does not support SteamVR motion smoothing and uses a different interpolation methodology, and so raw GPU power is more important with the increased resolution/framerate. You'll need to use a piece of software called Vive Console to drive Pro 2. You can download it directly from Steam if that's your preference: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1635730/VIVE_Console_for_SteamVR/ Be sure to adjust the distance between the lenses and your eyes - the setting it ships with may not be ideal for you.
  4. Hello @AveryX The second generation Vive cable connector/cable works across several headsets (Pro, Pro 2, Cosmos). The linkbox however is a little more specific. A 1st generation linkbox, only works with the original Vive and are not compatible with the newer cable. There are several varieties of 2.0 linkboxs: ones for Vive Pro and ones for Vive Cosmos. You can use either to drive the headset, but it's important to note that the linkboxes that ship with the base model of Vive Cosmos do not have bluetooth transmitters and thus cannot do basestation power management in the same way that Vive Pro linkboxes can. If you have a Cosmos Elite, the specialized transceivers are in the tracking faceplate.
  5. @Brucekoehler Vive Focus Plus doesn't have a full on PCVR streaming client. The predecessor to Vive Business App Streaming on Focus 3, was called "Viveport Streaming" which specifically aimed to let you use PCVR content on Focus Plus through Viveport. That one required you to have a Viveport Infinity account to start the streaming session. I think that UX may still be working, but I don't think the newer, updated VBS client ever launched for Focus Plus. https://service.viveport.com/hc/en-us/sections/360007162591-VIVEPORT-Streaming
  6. @sebastian_holocafe My understanding is that many of the tools will eventually migrate into the app under the "Enterprise Features" header. @C.T. Might have an idea on timelines.
  7. @Michael Vargas The base-stations shoot out laser beams which interact with sensors under the little divots on the trackers. Without the external laser data - the tracker won't create a pose estimate and will just be in "tracking lost" mode. Here's a simplified example of how the 1st generation tracking worked so you kind of understand, as well as a more detailed explanation of SteamVR tracking if you're wanting to study up on the system.
  8. @Untelon No - you can't convert an HDMI port to have the correct signaling to power a modern headset which requires Displayport 1.2+. Your best best is to see if the laptop has any USB-C ports that are wired to the Nvidia GPU, and support Displayport signaling. If you find a USB-C port that will work, you can use an adapter like the Club CAC-1507 (which is tested and known to work). If you go with another adapter, you want something that can support 4k@60hz and supports Displayport 1.2 or newer. There's several threads on this and some may have info that's helpful to you.
  9. @M.F. 90hz is the refresh rate of the panels themselves. You're likely seeing the image refresh on the panel which is an inherent property of OLEDs/LCDs. You can't select the refresh rate on that panel - it's fixed at 90hz. Vive Pro 2's display panels can display at either 90/120. Different types of display panels will have different characteristics when it comes to how the pixels get updated.
  10. @Anonymní Do you have a controller test option? I haven't tried it with a tracker, but you might be able to see the Input using the Controller Test tool.
  11. @Michael Vargas Nowadays, If you use a null driver - you also need to disable SteamVR home, otherwise it will try to boot SteamVR home and it can create a 100% CPU usage loop. That might be what it's "waiting" for. See if that alters the behavior. @C.T.
  12. @avicci - Alot of the usage is by VR/gaming studios that are trying to do get a fully tracked and animated avatars for the game they're creating. We don't have a running list of titles which have natively integrated support for SRAnipal, because ultimately alot of the companies that have done so for eye/lip tracking are doing so for closed-door enterprise projects that don't get published like games. You can totes use lip tracker with VRChat after their recent OSC update. You can also use the pro eye, and a bhaptics vest with the new VRChat update - it's pretty sick if you can get all of the dominoes lined up.
  13. Example: Oculus Rift CV1 famously shipped with the production displays from the Galaxy Note 3 - and so that headset was designed entirely around the panels and all of the characteristics of that headset relate to the size and position of the panels.
  14. @yurijgera In a nutshell it's an industry wide effect that's driven by the panel supply and optics. You kind of hit the head on the nail by citing the 5% stat - this wave of VR started off by basically recycling components like displays off existing smartphone component manufacturing lines. We're just now at the start of seeing VR devices that have hardware that's specifically built for XR from the ground up. So basically, the designs are currently limited by the supply of panels/optics that can be sourced, and the fact that with current panels and optics you'd have to make some extreme design changes to accommodate wider IPDs that would negatively impact the other ~95% of users to implement. An overly simplified take is that: The size, and shape of the display panels have been a huge limiting factor until now. Until fairly recently, VR was recycling panels from smartphone manufacturing lines. VR specific display panels are just barley starting to come onto market in 2022/2023. All panels thus far in consumer headsets have been flat, and are basically smartphone screens. In all headsets thus far, the display is fixed, but the lenses move which you can only the move laterally so far before the distortion becomes unacceptable. Making a reliable system where the lenses move alongside the lenses would add an absurd amount of complexity, bulk/weight, cost, and introduce tons of new failure points. The industry is moving away from Fresnel lenses which should open some new doors. VR Headsets are generally designed to accommodate the general population within a 95% confidence interval. Designing a product that works with 95% of the human population's morphology is super hard. Less than 5% of people have IPDs over 70mm, with the mean being 63mm. Quest users skew very heavily towards youth/teen which is heavily dragging the VR market's demographics -> more demand for narrow IPD support than higher IPD support which is impacting what OEMs are developing. Things like curved screens and pancake optics will probably help with this specific problem because because it might allow you to target wider IPDs with minimal distortion and without having a massively wide headset frame. If the display is motorized (optomechanical) it blows open a ton of new possibilities - but it's hard tech to miniaturize into a consumer device. We're in the middle of a major transition right now where you're starting to see VR specific chips, optics, and hardware coming out of fabs in Asia finally. You've seen what XR2 has done to mobile VR - similar optimization is occurring on all of the other components in a headset now that demand is high enough to support the XR hardware ecosystem. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XHPhJMb9yJQ/Vi0fC781zSI/AAAAAAAAAQM/-Bd1hiczCx0/s1600/Fixed_IPD.jpg
  15. @verdas With these types of random framerate issues - it's usually needle in the hack-stack scenario, and sometimes when you find the needle - the problem still doesn't fix itself for whatever reason. It almost sounds like you a picked up something malicious? On the extreme end, I recommend preforming a clean windows install/"reset this PC" - it's usually wayyyyyyyy faster to just quickly re-install Windows. This will likely fix the framerate problem, while also just generally making your PC faster overall while possibly adding some protection if your system is compromised. I'm not super familiar with Vivecraft specifically, but launching a specific app shouldn't affect SteamVR beyond the session. The VR app just creates a "pipe" to stream content to the headset, and the pipe is closed when the app is closed and SteamVR will fall back to the default SteamVR environment/home. Vivecraft is opensource so iono about the app itself being a virus if you're getting it from the official download. If the problem was with the app (Vivecraft) itself, I might suspect to see other reports of this online but I can't (Your computer sounds like it's acting sktechy and I'd nuke the OS without second thought if it were my system)
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