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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. I found the root cause for not getting tracker input. Could you follow below steps to fix the issue? 1. Replace all files in zip file(PartialInputBindings.zip) attached to the Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Scripts\Misc\SteamVRExtension\PartialInputBindings 2. Remove json files in your project root path - actions.json, bindings_*.json 3. Remove Assets\SteamVR_Input folder 4. Go to Edit>Preferences>VIU Settings, uncheck and check the VIVE option to allow "View Recommended Settings" to appear. 5. Click on View Recommended Settings and click Use recommended to Apply VIU Action Set Let me know whether above steps work for you, thanks!
  2. I found something strange. In SteamVR Input Debugger I was able to see the tracker input being pressed. But, in Unity app, I couldn't see anything. At most I can see is 1 tracker input. I just sent Steam message to see if they can help resolving this issue.
  3. I am rolling back SteamVR version to double check. I will need more time to debug this part.
  4. I got the same result for Unity 2019.1.7f1 and 2018.3.5f1. Two controllers and one tracker input. Even I turn off 2 controllers, I can only get 1 tracker input. I couldn't get 2 trackers input.
  5. I still working on multiple tracker input debugging. Sorry for the delay.
  6. I was using Unity 2018.3.5f1, I can get 2 controllers with 1 tracker input. You can try modify the role of tracker and play your app again. Not sure why sometimes tracker will not be able to get input, after I switched role, it works again.
  7. Didn't you mention that you can get at least one tracker input? I am still verifying the multiple trackers case.
  8. What type of input you want from tracker? Are you using any accessories for tracker?
  9. The last thing I suggest is to use CustomDeviceHeight.cs is much better approach. In Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Examples\Shared\Scripts\CustomDeviceHeight.cs, public void UpdateHeight() { var pos = transform.localPosition; switch (VRModule.activeModule) { ... case VRModuleActiveEnum.WaveVR: transform.localPosition = new Vector3(pos.x, m_height, pos.y); break; } } Add above code and in Unity scene, adjust the height to negative value(-0.55 or lower). Could you help me capture some log value of Y axis for investigation? 1. Install provided apk 2. Open command prompt and type below commands adb shell setprop log.tag.Unity DEBUG adb logcat -s Unity ActivityManager PackageManager dalvikvm DEBUG 3. Try below two scenarios a. - Standing up and launch apk - Sit down on chair b. - Sit down on chair and launch apk - Standing up Observe 3a and 3b how the Y value changes. My result will be 3a - (0.0, 1.7 or 1.8, 0.0) - (0.0, ~1.4, 0.0) 3b - (0.0, 1.7 or 1.8, 0.0) - (0.0, ~2.1, 0.0) NOTE: Focus' Suspend mode requires HMD taken off from head for >3 secs
  10. I got feedback from Wave SDK team, They said correct way of using VIVE Focus/Focus Plus will be as follows, 1. Device in suspend mode 2. Put your HMD on while standing 3. Launch app while standing This way, the height(default value is 175cm, cannot calibrate) in VR world will be correct. Could you try the methods above?
  11. If you make adjustment to the VROrigin, that might cause issue after teleporting. This is why I suggest not to make any adjustment. Could you check whether your Virtual Reality Supported(File>Build Settings>Player Settings>XR Settings in Android settings tab) is checked? Could you try my apk and provide your result? Thanks!
  12. I found the root cause to your issue. By modified below file, you will have correct height for your Focus Plus. In Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Scripts\Editor\VRPlatformSettings\WaveVRSettings.cs, line 91, //if (virtualRealitySupported) { return false; } line 102, //virtualRealitySupported = false; By commenting out or deleting above 2 lines, you will enable WaveVR_SINGLEPASS_ENABLED. Remember to click "Use recommended", and make sure in Edit>Preferences>VIU Settings, VIVE Focus is checked too. There is another known issue (You will not be able to teleport in ControllerManagerSample scene.), please make adjustment to your scene. CustomDeviceHeight.cs will only work for Daydream device for now. You mentioned without any modification, you felt that camera looks like it's floating higher than it should. Does teleporting work? Because in EDIT2, you said after adjusting VROrigin gameobject, you felt many stuff is not working correctly. BTW, please do not adjust VROrigin gameobject in the scene.
  13. Do you mind sharing your sample project? You can try to import Vive Input Utility from Unity Asset store. There are some examples you can refer to.
  14. Many developers often complain some of the following problems, 1. Cannot get input from trackers 2. Sometimes trackers recognize as controllers How to correctly manage your tracking devices: - ✔️ If your apps/games only involved **2 handed controllers** (Vive Controller, Knuckles, Oculus Touch, WMR Controller) - No additional settings required, SteamVR will automatically apply bindings for Left/Right Hand. - ⚠️ If your apps/games involved **2 handed controllers** and **numbers of Vive Trackers** - Open "Manage Vive Trackers" UI and set your trackers to the following roles individually - Left Foot - Right Foot - Left Shoulder - Right Shoulder - Waist - Chest - Camera - Keyboard - Notice that orders is unimportant, just make sure all trackers have different role. - Notice that you only able to setup up roles for up to 8 trackers in this case. For other connected trackers with no role(disabled) or duplicated role, VIU only handles their tracking data but not input data, because there is no default binding is applied. If someone knows how to do that, please let us know. - ⚠️ If your apps/games only involved **numbers of Vive Trackers** - Open "Manage Vive Trackers" UI and set your trackers to the following roles individually - Left Hand - Right Hand - Left Foot - Right Foot - Left Shoulder - Right Shoulder - Waist - Chest - Camera - Keyboard - Notice that orders is unimportant, just make sure all trackers have different role. - Notice that you only able to setup up roles for up to 10 trackers in this case. For other connected trackers with no role(disabled) or duplicated role, VIU only handles their tracking data but not input data, because there is no default binding is applied. If someone knows how to do that, please let us know. - ❌ If your apps/games involved **more then 2 Vive Controllers** - VIU will handle tracking & input data for two of the connected controllers. For other controllers, VIU only handles their tracking data but not input data. Like Vive Trackers without roles, there is no default binding applied for them. If someone knows how to bind actions for other controllers, please let us know. - Notice that VIU handles the two controller that are assigned to Left/Right Hand, witch is controlled by SteamVR runtime. You can rebind the two controller to other VIU roles in your project and get their inputs as usual, but for other controllers, VIU will never get their inputs even if you rebind them into VIU role RightHand and LeftHand. Reference: Vive Input Utility GitHub Wiki
  15. There is missing htc_viu tab in SteamVR Input window. User did not successfully apply VIU Action Set. One quick fix to your issue, please follow the steps below, Uncheck VIVE in VIU Settings, then check again Click on View Recommended Settings Click Apply VIU Action Set… You will now see htc_vic action set generated in SteamVR Input window
  16. Hi, I'm an unity user. I'm using ver2018.3.12f1 with HTC Vive Pro and have imported your asset 'Vive Input Utility' If I play the example project such as 1.UGUI, I get tons of error such as "GetActionOrigins failed! action=/actions/htc_viu/in/viu_press_32 error=InvalidHandle" I tried to search for the same case in google, but couldn't find any. May I get some help? I also attached the screen shot of the error.. Thank you. Regards Iccen Kim
  17. GetPressDownEx is used in ControllerManagerSample.cs. Sorry for late reply.
  18. Yes, until WaveVR SDK 3.0.2 you still need to edit BuildCheck.cs file to build successfully for Unity 2019. Please help to answer the question "Should we expect any problems specific to Unity 2019?", thanks!
  19. Currently, WaveVR SDK does not fully support Unity 2019. You can simply edit the following file to allow your project to run on Unity 2019. In Assets\Plugins\BuildCheck.cs, line 23 if (Application.unityVersion.StartsWith("2017.") || Application.unityVersion.StartsWith("2018.") || Application.unityVersion.StartsWith("2019.")) Add Application.unityVersion.StartsWith("2019.") to the if statement and try again.
  20. Taking VIU's example 1(UGUI), to guide developers how to change the VivePointer's reticle model and color. In VivePointer prefab(same for ViveCurvePointers), there are Left and Right gameObjects. Each one of them contains a Reticle gameObject. In the Red box above is where developer can change the shape of the reticle. In the Yellow box above is where developer can change the color of the reticle. By clicking the dot next to the Sphere, developer can change to other types of models(Mesh). By clicking on the dot next to Reticle, developer can change to other types of color(Material). To add new color Material of your own, you can simply right click the mouse button and select Material then rename it to ReticleBlue. Adjust Main Maps settings to the above. To be continued...
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