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Posts posted by vethetheth

  1. On 8/24/2023 at 9:09 AM, VIVE_chengnay said:

    For URP part (pink),

    I found this link, please refer to the shader mappings and manually replace to corresponding URP shader.

    Thing is I already tried altering shaders, materials or anything but the hands are in the "Packages" folder of the Wave SDK : it is read only and changes are reloaded after any compilation.

  2. 12 hours ago, Alex_HTC said:



    It looks like there may be an issue. I was able to reproduce the issue on my end and we'll see what we can do. @Lawrence may have some better suggestions as well

    For starters - i'm not sure you should be seeing "pink". I was able to get the hands up and running, but they are invisible.
    So it looks like the materials in your project haven't undergone the standard upgrade process - 

    To convert your materials to URP, go to Window > Rendering > Render Pipeline Converter. In the Render Pipeline Converter window, select Built-in to URP from the Convert From dropdown menu. Then, check the Material Upgrade checkbox and click the Initialize Converters button. Finally, click the Convert Assets button to convert your materials to URP.

    You should see something like this

    If you can zoom in a bit (or squint hard) you may see that there is no material converter for the hands. This should at least get you to a spot where the hands are invisible. Or if you want, you can start from the project where i got to this point here, for reference https://github.com/hardcoded2/viu_test  So at least we should be on the same page now.

    Ok, for a workaround until the team can look at it -- 

    Go to the slider next to render model hook, and a pre-configured version of this as a preset

    And then you can save that new render model preset as a default, so when you create a new component it will be set up this way. You can do this by selecting "add to RenderModelHook default" button.
    Note that if you want to change the model instead (since you indicated this was the desired behavior) of the override shader, it should work all the same

    Thanks for reaching out!



    Hi Alex.
    Thanks for your answer.
    I sadly still have pink hands at any steps I followed.
    I am using the prefab VROrigin from the VIU sample, and I re-done the process of the pipeline converter to URP.
    Sadly no change 😞

  3. Hello. Using the latest Wave package, the hands are pink (missing material) when I use URP whereas the controllers are fine.
    Could this be looked into? We are re-applying the material each time a hand disappear and this doesn't looks optimized. We can't modify the hands because it is part of the packageCache and is read-only. Using custom hands through the VIU / Wave custom hands doesn't do anything image.thumb.png.d8f597582cff576fc8830669caa3daee.png



    (this is a blank project, let me know if you can reproduce it on your hand)

    here the gameobjects are empty because it doesn't work so I removed them, but putting objects in any custom models for the hands / controllers doesn't work, I tried every Wave Vive Hand tracking field.
    If you have a sample to customize hand / controller models please send it, thank you


    • Thanks 1
  4. Hi.

    I have a very annoying bug that throws me an error every frame that looks like this


    Sometimes the error doesn't pop and this is what is displayed :


    This basically makes debuging the headset a real pain because there are Wave XR debugs everywhere, what can we do to disable it ??


    Override LogFlag does nothing


    I don't even use wrist trackers, please help me with this I can't work without proper logs @Tony PH Lin @chengnay @Vivi Wu

  5. On 2/17/2023 at 3:13 AM, Tony PH Lin said:

    Hi @julie.helbecque, @vethetheth, @Austin Sullivan Unity,

    Sorry for the late response.

    Currently we're working on Direct Preview refactoring to improve connecting stability, user flow and add new feature like hand tracking support etc. and plan to have an update version with next SDK release (in March timeframe). 

    URP support is on our plan, but it also requires more efforts and investigations to make the whole paths work. Will keep posted if the schedule is confirmed.


    Hello Tony, is the direct preview update still on track for march ? This feature will be decisive to know if we leave htc for other headsets.

  6. On 9/23/2022 at 4:58 AM, Tony PH Lin said:

    Hi All,

    We'd pleased to share the update of new APK (v.0.0.3) for Vive Reality System (VRS) Studio.

    VRSStudio_0.0.3_20220914.apk 123.82 MB · 6 downloads

    The main change is to add new mini game: Dice and poker.

    The mini game demos how to use hand to interact with small objects, and how to handle the case when two hands are close.

    Thanks and let us know your feedbacks.


    Note: You may need to log in to download the APK.


    Glad to see what we can do with our hands now.

    Game is very smooth, and grabbing is a little bit better. The robot is also very well made 🙂
    However, I cannot throw objects (or very rarely) : at the end of the movement, when my arm is extended, my fingers only open 1 second after I opened my hand in front of the headset, making the object fall without momentum.
    The delay does not happen when I do not have an object in my hand.
    I have small questions:

    How did you develop this application internally?
    Through numerous builds and tests inside the headset or direct preview?

    Also, how is the 32-bit build different from the 64-bit build, as we use the apk for focus 3 ?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Like 1
  7. Hello.

    I have been using the Vive Focus 3 because it is the only autonomous headset with handtracking that can be commercialized legally nowadays.
    It has been a long journey and the state of hand tracking is not very promising : lots of features are not compatible with hand tracking, the tracking itself is laggy, grabbing an object is not always working, hand is disappearing...

    I would like to know if there was a roadmap or any information on the future of the hand tracking.

    Thanks for your answer in advance.
    Please keep me up to date.

  8. Hi @chengnay, @Vivi Wu, i have some news

    The IP adress was not the right one, now i can test and i found out some things :

    It is now working, but the hands are stuck on my feet, the controllers are working fine.

    I am testing with the scene 0 from VIU, did you try hand tracking with direct preview ?

    Also, sometimes the screen freezes and there is written 


    WVR_DirectPreview: Pose origin is changing!

    endlessly in the log files. But before it worked great.

    Thanks in advance.



  9. Hello, thanks for the answer. @chengnay already tried to help me through vbs but the hassle of duplicating every project / changing the platform each time i have to test results in a time loss bigger than building the apks directly to test.

    Could you please have a look at direct preview ? It would mean a lot.

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