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  1. hello @Vivi Wu The OpenXR vive tracker profile doesn't seem to work in Unity. The older community made profile does work. This issue is the same as the wrist tracker issue referenced here:
  2. @VIVE_chengnayseeing same issue on my end. Using the Vive XR Wrist Tracker Profile. When using OpenXR in XR Plugin Management, no devices populate the Input Debugger Representing the Wrist tracker. BUT, when using the OpenVR Loader option in XR Management, the wrist tracker does show up. This of course is the soon to be deprecated approach.
  3. Hello, I would like to use an external USB device with the Vive Focus 3 and the Vive Business Streaming. Is it possible to see usb devices plugged into the headset on the PC via VBS? This was possible with older versions of vive wireless software.
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