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Posts posted by Shirly.H

  1. VIVE team released an open-source project: Bouncing Duel MR

    The Bouncing Duel MR is a new Spatial Computing technology game, made by our Scene Perception feature for the mesh collider effect and Spatial Anchor for the multi-player game to bring a new XR experience. All the virtual objects in the game can be interactive with you! Enjoy Bounce, Shoot, Dodge and Defence experience with your friend. Let's start a duel!


    Git Hub


    • Vive XR Elite (ROM Version 1.0.999.568 above)
    • Unity 2021.3.16f1
    • VIVE Wave XR Plugin 5.5.0-r.10
    • VIVE Input Utility 1.18.3

    Read more about MR features


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    Februus MR demonstrates an incredible MR world with Unreal Engine on XR Elite. The demo also contains multiple hand gestures to interact with the virtual objects and environment. VIVE team has published it as an open source project on GitHub, please visit here to get the sample code! https://github.com/ViveSoftware/Februus-MR


    VIVEOpenXR Unreal 2.1.0: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unreal/unreal-download/latest/

    Unreal passthrough tutorial: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unreal/unreal-tutorials/passthrough/

    Unreal hand tracking tutorial: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unreal/unreal-tutorials/handtracking/


    Watch out! Enemy is coming! Summon minions for fighting!


    Control the weather to create a garden on the table


     Explore the world in your room!


    Feel free to share any comment with us 🙂



  3. Hi @vanheinonen

    Thank you for your feedback. The symptom you mentioned is the side effect of the feature called Scale Mode for hand tracking. The mode allows the user to locate the position of the objects more precisely in the real world via passthrough. Developers can switch the mode based on their preference. If the developer doesn't change the mode, the default mode is Scale Mode in SDK version 5.2.1 and above. The WAVE SDK version of the launcher is the latest version so the mode is View Mode which won't cause the side effect.


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  4. Hi @EashBala,

    Thank you for your feedback!

    The symptom, when moving head, the world follows, seems to be caused by getting the invalid position instead of lost tracking. In order to clarify the symptom, I am wondering if you could provide your apk and the reproduction steps. Please DM me, if you are ready to provide the file.

    In fact, when lost tracking occurs, a system pop-up shows up and informs error msg. We would like to know if the pop-up appears when the symptom happens.

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