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  1. Facing the same issue, also with URP 12.1.8 Whenever hands appear in the field of view (whether I have materials enabled or not) adb prints OPENGL NATIVE PLUG-IN ERROR: GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Operation illegal in current state Echo @vethetheth - any new developments on this?
  2. Thanks @Alex_HTC this looks like what I am looking for! Fingers crossed for your further inquiry, I really hope we can figure out a way to achieve this implementation with OpenXR, I currently cannot see anything of this kind OpenXR Android API reference: https://hub.vive.com/apidoc/api/Wave.OpenXR.Toolkit.CompositionLayer.Passthrough.CompositionLayerPassthroughAPI.html
  3. Hi, I am trying to use OpenXR standard with XR Elite and managed to implement passthrough (with underlay). I could not get it to work with URP (same problem as in other thread) but never mind. I currently have a distortion issue when it comes to hand tracking. There is a blur visible around my hands as I move them around the space, distorting all the physical objects around them. Here's a screenshot: Using: Unity 2021.3.27f1 VIVE OpenXR Plugin - Android 1.0.5 OpenXR Plugin 1.7.0 In XR Plug-in Management OpenXR feature groups I have enabled: VIVE XR Composition Layer VIVE XR Composition Layer (Passthrough) VIVE XR Hand Tracking VIVE XR Support Any suggestions on how to remediate it?
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