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Everything posted by nande

  1. this took me way too long to find out. in the material, the parameter used for the texture needs to have it's texture sampler type to "External"............
  2. This is pretty neat. Is there a sample for MR apps on unreal with wave?
  3. these are logs with increased verbosity 2024-04-12 12:54:16.764 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.54.16:764][557]LogMediaAssets: Verbose: TestVid_MP.OpenSource Sintel_1080_10s_5MB 2024-04-12 12:54:16.765 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: IMediaPlayer SetGuid: 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:54:16.765 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: FAndroidMedia::Open(file://../../../myapp/Content/Movies/CCTests/Sintel_1080_10s_5MB.mp4) - 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:54:16.765 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: FAndroidMedia::Close() - 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:54:16.766 893-1801/? D/NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe46386e0) created, clientPid(4493) 2024-04-12 12:54:16.767 893-1801/? I/Codec2Client: Creating a Codec2 client to service "software" 2024-04-12 12:54:16.767 893-1801/? I/Codec2Client: Client to Codec2 service "software" created 2024-04-12 12:54:16.767 893-1801/? I/ExtendedNuUtils: printFileName fd(8) -> /storage/emulated/0/UnrealGame/myapp/myapp/Content/Movies/CCTests/Sintel_1080_10s_5MB.mp4 2024-04-12 12:54:16.771 892-4730/? I/MMParserExtractor: Created(0x25090e7630) 2024-04-12 12:54:16.773 892-4730/? E/MM_OSAL: Atom: _success is false due to size < DEFAULT_ATOM_SIZE 2024-04-12 12:54:16.775 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.54.16:775][557]LogMediaAssets: Verbose: TestVid_MP.Play 2024-04-12 12:54:16.775 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.54.16:775][557]LogAndroidMedia: Warning: Cannot set rate while closed, preparing, or in error state 2024-04-12 12:54:16.775 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.54.16:775][557]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [TestVidMenu_W_C_2147482431] Playing Sintel_1080_10s_5MB, ok false 2024-04-12 12:54:16.776 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.54.16:776][557]LogAndroidMedia: Verbose: Player 0x7ad6775210: Selecting audio track 0 instead of -1 (0 tracks) 2024-04-12 12:54:16.776 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.54.16:776][557]LogAndroidMedia: Verbose: Player 0x7ad6775210: Selecting video track 0 instead of -1 (0 tracks). 2024-04-12 12:54:16.776 4493-4545/com.myapp.xr D/WVR_MultiLayer: SetLayerDesc 2024-04-12 12:54:16.778 893-6849/? D/GenericSource: FileSource remote
  4. Hello, I need some help to play videos on device. I've set it up and it works correctly on the editor. but when on the device it doesn't work. this is what i've done: * android media plugins are enabled and active * videos imported to Content/Movies * the setup is correct i followed many docs * codec is h264 on a .mp4 * plays on editor could anyone help me please? logs: 2024-04-12 12:45:17.259 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/UE: FAndroidMedia::Close() - 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:45:17.259 893-1801/? D/NuPlayerDriver: stop(0xe46386e0) 2024-04-12 12:45:17.260 893-1801/? D/NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe46386e0) at state 8 2024-04-12 12:45:17.260 893-30179/? W/AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone. 2024-04-12 12:45:17.261 893-30179/? D/NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe46386e0) 2024-04-12 12:45:17.261 893-1801/? D/NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe46386e0) at state 0 2024-04-12 12:45:17.262 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/UE: IMediaPlayer SetGuid: 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:45:17.262 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/UE: FAndroidMedia::Open(file://../../../myapp/Content/Movies/CCTests/Sintel_1080_10s_5MB.mp4) - 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:45:17.262 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/UE: FAndroidMedia::Close() - 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:45:17.263 893-1803/? D/NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe8d5cc80) created, clientPid(29224) 2024-04-12 12:45:17.264 893-1803/? I/Codec2Client: Creating a Codec2 client to service "software" 2024-04-12 12:45:17.264 893-1803/? I/Codec2Client: Client to Codec2 service "software" created 2024-04-12 12:45:17.265 893-1803/? I/ExtendedNuUtils: printFileName fd(8) -> /storage/emulated/0/UnrealGame/myapp/myapp/Content/Movies/CCTests/Sintel_1080_10s_5MB.mp4 2024-04-12 12:45:17.268 892-4599/? I/MMParserExtractor: Created(0x25090ee390) 2024-04-12 12:45:17.269 29224-29387/com.myapp.xr D/LogWaveVREyeRunnable: Run() Start eye tracking. 2024-04-12 12:45:17.269 29224-29387/com.myapp.xr W/WVR_COMMON: WVR_StartEyeTracking: hlc error 302 2024-04-12 12:45:17.269 29224-29387/com.myapp.xr W/WVR_COMMON: WVR_StartEyeTracking: Feature not requested 2024-04-12 12:45:17.269 29224-29387/com.myapp.xr D/LogWaveVREyeRunnable: Run() Start eye tracking result: 46 2024-04-12 12:45:17.271 892-4599/? E/MM_OSAL: Atom: _success is false due to size < DEFAULT_ATOM_SIZE 2024-04-12 12:45:17.272 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.45.17:272][319]LogAndroidMedia: Warning: Cannot set rate while closed, preparing, or in error state 2024-04-12 12:45:17.272 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/UE: [2024.04.12-00.45.17:272][319]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [TestVidMenu_W_C_2147482431] Playing Sintel_1080_10s_5MB, ok false 2024-04-12 12:45:17.274 893-30749/? D/GenericSource: FileSource remote 2024-04-12 12:45:17.274 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/WVR_MultiLayer: SetLayerDesc 2024-04-12 12:45:17.276 892-4599/? I/MMParserExtractor: Created(0x25090e70f0) 2024-04-12 12:45:17.277 892-4599/? E/MM_OSAL: Atom: _success is false due to size < DEFAULT_ATOM_SIZE 2024-04-12 12:45:17.278 892-4600/? D/MediaBufferGroup: creating MemoryDealer 2024-04-12 12:45:17.282 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/UE: FAndroidMedia::InitializePlayer 86DDC6D546279938218168BF3AAE0DDC 2024-04-12 12:45:17.284 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/LogWaveVREyeManager: TickEyeData() Starts eye tracking. 2024-04-12 12:45:17.286 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/WVR_MultiLayer: SetLayerDesc 2024-04-12 12:45:17.304 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/LogWaveVREyeManager: TickEyeData() Starts eye tracking. 2024-04-12 12:45:17.306 29224-29291/com.myapp.xr D/WVR_MultiLayer: SetLayerDesc
  5. Hello, i need to inhibit the hand gesture for the vive menu during my game at certain times. is that possible? If so how? im using wavesdk 5.6, unreal 5.2 and xr elite.
  6. took me a long time to figure out. and thanks to the help from someone at HTC. it seems you need to set the tracking mode to Default (MR mode) in the device's settings > General > Tracking mode. otherwise markers and scene perception do not work. i use the instant since it has far less overhead time when iterating on development. i wish it's supported on day.
  7. I also needed to ensure that in the uproject file. the WaveVR plugin has the SupportedPlatforms tag set to Android only ,no win64 nor windows. that was critical.
  8. same. i need to build a desk client so i ran into the same issue. i've managed to work-around this by calling this on GameInstance::Init UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary::EnableHMD(EnableHMD); and set enableHMD depending if this is running on android or editor also i needed to make sure to wrap any call to wavevr with a check for android. otherwise it crashes 😞 i wish this could be solved. though i rather get markers working on openxr so i can move to openxr.
  9. Thanks a lot Tony, and thanks for the video. If possible please reply here once the opensource sample project is ready πŸ™ thank!!
  10. Hi, i'm not able to make the markers sample to work. I'm using ue 5.2, latests wave sdk, elite xr with latest firmware, the device is still android 10 so i'm targetting android 29 (more than that and the device rejects the apk). i've ensured the camera permissions are set. the pass-through works. It keeps printing " Marker system fail to start". notice that it passes the " Check Supported feature". on logcat i only get one line that says " Start marker result =1" result 1 seems to be WVR_Error_SystemInvalid = 1, /**< The initialization was not finished or the feature was not started yet. */ but i have no idea how to fix it. could someone please help me? this is a critical piece of our app. thanks a lot! πŸ™ also i tried to track the code to understand what could be missing but the code seems to simply call some dll object. so i cant really investigate much.
  11. yes https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnrealPlugin/Unreal_TrackableMarker.html# i' m still trying to figure them out though.
  12. Thanks Tony. Has this been implemented already?
  13. Hello @Johnson_Wu thanks for the reply. what about the other keys not working? no other keyboard key works in pie. that is a real blocker. even if i create mappings for specific actions and keys they do not work. what can i do about that?
  14. I can't get input to work normally. i'm using enhanced input system. Most of it works on the device, but it' s not working on the editor. i need to set up some keys on the computer to be able to develop (almost at all). not even the Esc key works. Any suggestions?
  15. i would love if the openxr would support aruco codes too as i need to use them and openxr seems like a better alternative to work with than wave in my case.
  16. is the mr capabilities going to be supported? specially the shared anchors with aruco codes?
  17. ive managed to fix it. canΒ΄t remember exactly how. i think i had to enable "package for quest" on the android settings. also. is the scene understanding for xr elite going to be supported by this plugin?
  18. I tried on windows too and got exactly the same issue. Good for linux because it's not more broken, but bad because something is broken.
  19. this is SO cool, thanks a lot. please please please please add Linux host support as that's my main work flow. (target vive elite xr). i had to make these modifications in order to package from linux to the elite. im astonished i didn't had to make more drastic changes. im using ue 5.3 android-29 // ViveRenderDoc.Build.cs if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) { PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/Windows")); } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) { PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/Android")); // critical as android will NOT find a directory using \ PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private")); //VulkanRHIPrivate.h } else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) { PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private")); //VulkanPlatform.h // critical as linux will NOT find a directory using \ PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/Linux")); } } ViveOpenXR.uplugin { "FileVersion": 3, "Version": 1, "VersionName": "2.2.0", "FriendlyName": "Vive OpenXR", "Description": "Features of VIVE OpenXR.", "Category": "Virtual Reality", "CreatedBy": "HTC Corporation", "CreatedByURL": "https://developer.vive.com/", "DocsURL": "https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unreal/unreal-overview/", "MarketplaceURL": "", "SupportURL": "", "EngineVersion": "5.3.0", "CanContainContent": true, "Installed": true, "SupportedTargetPlatforms": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ], "Modules": [ { "Name": "ViveOpenXRRuntimeSettings", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostEngineInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXREditor", "Type": "Editor", "LoadingPhase": "PostEngineInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRHMD", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRSceneUnderstanding", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRFacialTracking", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRHandInteraction", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRCosmosController", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRFocus3Controller", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveCustomHandGesture", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRPassthrough", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRWristTracker", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] }, { "Name": "ViveRenderDoc", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Android" ] }, { "Name": "ViveOpenXRDisplayRefreshRate", "Type": "Runtime", "LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit", "PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Android", "Linux" ] } ], "Plugins": [ { "Name": "OpenXR", "Enabled": true }, { "Name": "LiveLink", "Enabled": true } ] } the last problem i ran into, which i'm not sure why it happens. is that the app launches in full screen, in apparent vr mode, but there is no stereo on the image, both left and right eyes get different part of the same scene, so there's no 3d and you cant focus your eyes on anything.
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