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2 vive systems in same big room creates base station conflict

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  • 10 months later...
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We have a room that is 24 X 19. We're setting up 4 VR stations in this room. A standup/movearound install in one corner with an 8'X8' foam mat so players know when they're centered, and three other workstations for sit-down play each at separate tables around the perimiter. Finding the "sweet spot" for the base stations is proving quite problematic.

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  • 1 month later...

I had someone personal message me about this so I figured I'd share our solution to this problem publically.  It is not the most graceful solution and will cost you a couple hundred dollars, but it has worked out well for us.

We ended up putting one vive in a blackout curtain (the hospital curtain we tried first let to much light through and did not work) on a u shaped rail to enclose the area.  We put the lighthouse sensors from the other vive on smart plugs tied to Alexa so when the main system was in use we could just tell alexa to turn "Virtual Reality One" off and not have to draw the curtain.  To use both systems at once we tell alexa to turn "Virtual Reality One" on and then draw the curtain.  Below are links to the items we got to make this happen.  It did allow us to put green fabric on the back of one of the curtains to do mixed reality stuff in VR.  Having our own 12'x8' green screen is kinda cool.



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