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Unity build not launching in XR elite device when built using WaveXR


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So, I just received an xr elite device and I am trying to test out some of the features and all but for some reason If I build even the simplest scene with a simple XRRig using WaveXR, the build does not even launch at all but if I build that same scene by using openxr instead it works fine. The same thing happens if I try to run sample scenes.


This is what I got in the logs:

04-14 12:38:15.232 10067 23768 23768 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
04-14 12:38:15.232 10067 23768 23768 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.UnityTechnologies.com.unity.template.urpblank, PID: 23768
04-14 12:38:15.232 10067 23768 23768 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No direct method <init>(Landroid/app/Activity;)V in class Lcom/unity3d/player/UnityPlayer; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer' appears in base.apk)
04-14 12:38:15.232 10067 23768 23768 E AndroidRuntime:     at com.htc.vr.unity.WVRUnityVRActivity.onCreate(WVRUnityVRActivity.java:297)

I am more interested with what waveXR has to offer especially Scene Understanding as my team is mainly doing Mixed reality stuff and openXR does not seem to have any sort of spatial mapping features unless we do it ourselves from scratch.


Is waveXR even supported for this new XR elite device?



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wave sdk is definitely supported on the new devices!

https://github.com/ViveDeveloperRelations/ScenePerceptionDemo is an example of a project that works out of the box

Make sure that in the project settings->xr settings menu "wavexr" is enabled and that other options are disabled
The error posted indicates that the wavexr plugin didn't run it's code to hook this up, which happens when this option is not enabled

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Hi @Alex_HTC

This is not the issue as I have everything checked properly. I found the issue. Somehow build won't work when building in Unity 2022 where as when I build with Unity 2021 it works fine.


Is it known that unity 2022 is not supported or there are other settings required not mentioned in any tutorial?

Edited by jcm01
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Thanks for checking.


Yer even the very basic scene with a simple XRRig builds will crash as well as the sample provided called ScenePerceptionDemo(MeshAnchor). But note this seem to be when using waveXR and the version I encounter this is Unity 2022.2.3f1

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I have the same issue with Unity 2022.2.15, WaveXR & Vive XR Elite. Build is fine. App shows up in my library. When I try to launch it, it brings up the loading screen for a second then falls back to the library. Don't know how to get a detailed log from here.

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I tried a second project and have the same issue. I also tried the ScenePerceptionDemo mentioned above but get a gradle error and can't build no matter which version of Unity I use. I suspect the root cause of the Viveport launch problem is Android but am unable to isolate it at this time.

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I also have difficulty to use WaveXR Plugin SDK with Unity 2022.2.10, tested with VIVE Flow.

I found that the same SDK actually works with Unity 2022.1.24.

So, it may be like that Unity 2022.1.x is OK but Unity 2022.2.x is NG.

This is just my guessing, but Unity 2022.1.x and Unity 2022.2.x are different in JDK version (8 vs 11) and the result may be affected by this change.

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