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I'm liking the direction instant mode is going. I would like to have some more control over the play space shape and size, not for every time I recenter just have the option to change what space I have when I do recenter. I'd personally like to see a resizable square, rectangle or circle.


Unrelated things I'd like to see in future updates-

- Night mode for passthrough to see IR light a lot if users have for night time use

-Bluetooth audio receiver for phone audio playback

-Connections replaces tutorial in "More" tab

-Wireless file transfer for screenshots/save data etc. would be great to manage from the vive app when connected to the device

-No more intrusive alerts for battery/volume warnings. having to press ok to those alerts always causes grief for me

-Full locomotion in the home environment

-More/customizable environments 


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"No more intrusive alerts for battery/volume warnings. having to press ok to those alerts always causes grief for me"


I can live with a 5% warning, that's understandable cause at that point you only have a few minutes anyway so it's either a warning or the device just shots off, but the 15% warning, I don't need or want it, 5% gives you more than enough time to attach a usb-c battery. 

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