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Vive wireless - Disconnect due to temperature ? - SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_STOPPED


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Just got my Vive wireless for Vive Pro and am experiencing some disconnects. 

It seems like I usually can get ~20 minutes of play, before the issues start occuring every couple of minutes (and is therefore unusable)


When a disconnect occurs, the HMD screen goes black for 5-6 seconds, before the device registeres as a USB device and reconnects to Steam VR. During a disconnect, the green light on the top of the wireless connector goes blank for a few seconds. 

To me this seems either as a:

1. Issue with the cable from HTC battery pack to wireless adapter

2. Issus with heat building up in the wireless adapter


PC is an 8700K with a 1080TI card, so should not be bottleneck. 


Checked the log files at C:\Program Files\VIVE Wireless\ConnectionUtility\Log after reproducing the issue. When reproducing I sat still in the middle of the room. The wireless adapter had been used 4-5 minutes before, so was already warm to the touch. 



Startup contains the following log lines:

[2018-10-14 18:24:51.123 +1 0x2F70 INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 5(CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED)[2018-10-14 18:24:53.246 +1 0x3570 INFO LOG] Updater exit 0[2018-10-14 18:24:53.249 +1 0x3570 INFO LOG] No new DisplayLink version : 1.1.33748.8682[2018-10-14 18:24:53.250 +1 0x3570 INFO LOG] No new IntelWiGig version : 4.0.10371.12G_VR(msi)[2018-10-14 18:24:53.251 +1 0x3570 INFO LOG] No new WirelessUpdate version :[2018-10-14 18:24:53.254 +1 0x3570 INFO LOG] No new CU version :[2018-10-14 18:24:54.054 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 2, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-14 18:24:58.054 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 4, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-14 18:25:06.055 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 3, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-14 18:25:11.095 +1 0x2C24 INFO LOG] M_Temperature=74, R_Temperature=43


The M_Temperature then gradually increases, and when it's ~85 the crash occurs

[2018-10-14 18:29:01.088 +1 0x2C24 INFO LOG] M_Temperature=86, R_Temperature=56[2018-10-14 18:29:06.061 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 4, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-14 18:29:07.062 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 3, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-14 18:29:11.062 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 4, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-14 18:29:11.085 +1 0x2C24 INFO LOG] M_Temperature=81, R_Temperature=54[2018-10-14 18:29:16.771 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 255, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-14 18:29:16.881 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_STOPPED(3), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_LINK_LOSS(1)[2018-10-14 18:29:16.884 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_SCANNING(4), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_REQUESTED_BY_APPLICATION(9)[2018-10-14 18:29:16.887 +1 0x2C24 INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 2(CONNECTION_STATUS_SCANNING)


The crash is followed by a reconnect

[2018-10-14 18:29:18.697 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_CONNECTING(5), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_AUTO_PROFILE_FOUND(4)[2018-10-14 18:29:18.700 +1 0x2C24 INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 3(CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING)[2018-10-14 18:29:18.967 +1 0x2D34 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_CONNECTED(7), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_SUCCEED_TO_CONNECT(13)[2018-10-14 18:29:18.973 +1 0x2C24 INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 5(CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED)

Anyone else experiencing the same? What kind of values for M_Temperature and R_Temperature is normal?

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Moved the PCI card to a different slot. Made no difference. 

Here is a graph of how the temperature changes over time before eventually disconnecting. In this case it took 16 minutes from a cold starting point before the crash occured (and this is likely the same I've had before)

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I am thankfully not experiencing disconnects (With pass through camera disabled,) but I am seeing M_Temperatures as high as 84c. It is around this point that my brain starts to cook and I turn on my ceiling fan, and temps rapidly drop back to around 60c. Do note that I am also playing inside my house, which I keep at 20c/68f when I am in VR.

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Do you think it is a connection issue(USB/HDMI/Battery) during the game session?

I would place the whole HMD in a fixed postion (with good signal). Just leave it there and see if you are still getting a disconnection issue. If you are, maybe you may consider RMA your wirelss kit. 

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I think i have seen this overheat issue too. For me it was probably after 3 hours play and then the screen just went grey and stayed grey. I unplugged the battery and put it back in again and then it was ok. I touched the top of the adaptor and it was redhot. This is on the VIVE Pro. 


I checked the log files and my M_Temperature also did seem really high when this happened, just under 90.

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Reproduced again with a sitting gaming with minimal head movement. Crashed in 15 minutes with last temperature 79 degrees. Will return product. 

Adding the log file for the latest attempt.

# Log begin at 2018-10-15 18:24:58.744[2018-10-15 18:24:58.744 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] CU Begin[2018-10-15 18:24:58.764 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Load languages from : C:\Program Files\VIVE Wireless\ConnectionUtility\Text\Languages.json[2018-10-15 18:24:58.776 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Load text from : C:\Program Files\VIVE Wireless\ConnectionUtility\Text\en_US.json[2018-10-15 18:24:58.776 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Load Language Text : en_US[2018-10-15 18:24:58.776 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Load fonts from : C:\Program Files\VIVE Wireless\ConnectionUtility\Font\Fonts.json[2018-10-15 18:24:58.780 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Parsed fonts config : C:\Program Files\VIVE Wireless\ConnectionUtility\Font\Fonts.json[2018-10-15 18:24:58.841 +1 0x2720 INFO LOG] DisplayLink driver registered.[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0BB4/030A[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 2BDE/2300[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0BB4/030C[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0BB4/030B[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0BB4/0309[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 2BDE/2101[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0BB4/2134[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 2BDE/2000[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0BB4/2C87[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0D8C/0012[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 0BB4/2C87[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : 2BDE/2101[2018-10-15 18:24:58.843 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] Known device : [2018-10-15 18:24:59.390 +1 0x2708 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)GetDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_STOPPED(3), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_NOT_SCANNING(16)[2018-10-15 18:24:59.390 +1 0x2708 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_STOPPED(3), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_NOT_SCANNING(16)[2018-10-15 18:24:59.390 +1 0x2708 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Intel WiGig SDK DLL Version : 4.0.10371.5[2018-10-15 18:24:59.390 +1 0x2708 INFO LOG] Init OK[2018-10-15 18:24:59.390 +1 0x2708 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Set RF ON success.[2018-10-15 18:24:59.393 +1 0x2708 INFO LOG] SteamVR version : 1539100633[2018-10-15 18:24:59.399 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_SCANNING(4), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_REQUESTED_BY_APPLICATION(9)[2018-10-15 18:24:59.406 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 2(CONNECTION_STATUS_SCANNING)[2018-10-15 18:25:08.832 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] CreateProcess : C:\Program Files\VIVE Wireless\Updater\Updater.exe[2018-10-15 18:25:08.832 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] 		Param : -NoUI MANX -StopWhenBrotherRunning -SkipAdditionTasks[2018-10-15 18:25:08.832 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] 		Dir : C:\Program Files\VIVE Wireless\Updater[2018-10-15 18:25:08.943 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] CreateProcess OK[2018-10-15 18:25:12.156 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] Updater exit 0[2018-10-15 18:25:12.157 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] No new DisplayLink version : 1.1.33748.8682[2018-10-15 18:25:12.158 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] No new IntelWiGig version : 4.0.10371.12G_VR(msi)[2018-10-15 18:25:12.159 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] No new WirelessUpdate version :[2018-10-15 18:25:12.162 +1 0x1F9C INFO LOG] No new CU version :[2018-10-15 18:25:34.738 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_CONNECTING(5), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_AUTO_PROFILE_FOUND(4)[2018-10-15 18:25:34.741 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 3(CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING)[2018-10-15 18:25:35.008 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_CONNECTED(7), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_SUCCEED_TO_CONNECT(13)[2018-10-15 18:25:35.011 +1 0x30E4 INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 7(CONNECTION_STATUS_PREPARING)[2018-10-15 18:25:35.011 +1 0x30E4 INFO LOG] BeginMcuUpdate[2018-10-15 18:25:35.011 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Get dock device name : VIVE8BA1[2018-10-15 18:25:35.011 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] Device Name : VIVE8BA1[2018-10-15 18:25:35.015 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Otp Channel 1[2018-10-15 18:25:35.015 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Otp Channel 2[2018-10-15 18:25:35.015 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Otp Channel 3[2018-10-15 18:25:35.015 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Get dock preferred channel : Channel 3 (Player 2)[2018-10-15 18:25:35.015 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] Preferred Channel : Channel 3 (Player 2)[2018-10-15 18:25:35.019 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CurrentFwVersion : 4.0.10371.5[2018-10-15 18:25:35.019 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)FactoryFwVersion : 4.0.10327.19[2018-10-15 18:25:35.019 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)NvmVersion :[2018-10-15 18:25:35.019 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)MacHwVersion : 6577[2018-10-15 18:25:35.019 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)RFEM1HwVersion : 8[2018-10-15 18:25:35.019 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)RFEM2HwVersion : 8[2018-10-15 18:25:35.019 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)ActiveFwVersion : MAIN[2018-10-15 18:25:35.045 +1 0x30E4 INFO LOG] MCU Update Launch OK.[2018-10-15 18:25:35.977 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 4, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-15 18:25:38.329 +1 0x30E4 INFO LOG] MCU Update Closed. Wait for 3 seconds.[2018-10-15 18:25:41.336 +1 0x30E4 INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 5(CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED)[2018-10-15 18:25:45.005 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=29, R_Temperature=27[2018-10-15 18:25:55.010 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=28, R_Temperature=29[2018-10-15 18:26:05.005 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=34, R_Temperature=36[2018-10-15 18:26:15.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=32, R_Temperature=34[2018-10-15 18:26:35.005 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=33, R_Temperature=34[2018-10-15 18:26:45.006 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=34, R_Temperature=33[2018-10-15 18:26:55.007 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=37, R_Temperature=36[2018-10-15 18:27:05.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=39, R_Temperature=34[2018-10-15 18:27:15.010 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=41, R_Temperature=36[2018-10-15 18:27:35.009 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=42, R_Temperature=43[2018-10-15 18:27:45.006 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=41, R_Temperature=44[2018-10-15 18:27:55.009 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=40, R_Temperature=41[2018-10-15 18:28:05.011 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=41, R_Temperature=39[2018-10-15 18:28:13.982 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 3, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-15 18:28:15.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=42, R_Temperature=39[2018-10-15 18:28:15.981 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 4, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-15 18:28:35.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=47, R_Temperature=43[2018-10-15 18:28:55.010 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=49, R_Temperature=49[2018-10-15 18:29:15.012 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=50, R_Temperature=51[2018-10-15 18:29:25.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=51, R_Temperature=53[2018-10-15 18:29:45.010 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=53, R_Temperature=52[2018-10-15 18:29:55.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=54, R_Temperature=49[2018-10-15 18:30:15.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=55, R_Temperature=48[2018-10-15 18:30:25.014 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=56, R_Temperature=53[2018-10-15 18:30:35.012 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=57, R_Temperature=52[2018-10-15 18:30:45.006 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=56, R_Temperature=46[2018-10-15 18:30:55.011 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=58, R_Temperature=47[2018-10-15 18:31:05.013 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=59, R_Temperature=51[2018-10-15 18:31:15.006 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=58, R_Temperature=52[2018-10-15 18:31:25.009 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=61, R_Temperature=49[2018-10-15 18:32:05.015 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=60, R_Temperature=54[2018-10-15 18:32:15.011 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=62, R_Temperature=56[2018-10-15 18:32:25.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=63, R_Temperature=54[2018-10-15 18:32:55.006 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=64, R_Temperature=55[2018-10-15 18:33:15.006 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=66, R_Temperature=51[2018-10-15 18:33:55.010 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=67, R_Temperature=54[2018-10-15 18:34:15.011 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=68, R_Temperature=57[2018-10-15 18:34:25.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=67, R_Temperature=56[2018-10-15 18:34:35.005 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=69, R_Temperature=56[2018-10-15 18:35:05.014 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=70, R_Temperature=63[2018-10-15 18:35:15.009 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=71, R_Temperature=62[2018-10-15 18:36:05.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=73, R_Temperature=62[2018-10-15 18:36:15.013 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=74, R_Temperature=59[2018-10-15 18:36:25.012 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=71, R_Temperature=61[2018-10-15 18:36:35.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=73, R_Temperature=53[2018-10-15 18:36:45.011 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=72, R_Temperature=57[2018-10-15 18:36:55.008 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=73, R_Temperature=61[2018-10-15 18:37:05.016 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=74, R_Temperature=62[2018-10-15 18:37:35.014 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=75, R_Temperature=63[2018-10-15 18:37:55.013 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=76, R_Temperature=56[2018-10-15 18:38:35.009 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=77, R_Temperature=62[2018-10-15 18:38:45.007 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=76, R_Temperature=63[2018-10-15 18:39:05.007 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=78, R_Temperature=63[2018-10-15 18:39:15.013 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=77, R_Temperature=63[2018-10-15 18:39:25.010 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=78, R_Temperature=58[2018-10-15 18:39:35.015 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] M_Temperature=79, R_Temperature=61[2018-10-15 18:40:18.813 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 255, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-15 18:40:18.900 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_STOPPED(3), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_LINK_LOSS(1)[2018-10-15 18:40:18.903 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_SCANNING(4), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_REQUESTED_BY_APPLICATION(9)[2018-10-15 18:40:18.906 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 2(CONNECTION_STATUS_SCANNING)[2018-10-15 18:40:20.515 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_CONNECTING(5), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_AUTO_PROFILE_FOUND(4)[2018-10-15 18:40:20.518 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 3(CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING)[2018-10-15 18:40:20.782 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CallbackDeviceStatus : SDK_WIGIGFSM_STATE_CONNECTED(7), reason = SDK_CURRENT_STATE_REASON_SUCCEED_TO_CONNECT(13)[2018-10-15 18:40:20.787 +1 0x2EBC INFO LOG] Connection Status set to 5(CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED)[2018-10-15 18:40:20.788 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Get dock device name : VIVE8BA1[2018-10-15 18:40:20.788 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] Device Name : VIVE8BA1[2018-10-15 18:40:20.801 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Otp Channel 1[2018-10-15 18:40:20.801 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Otp Channel 2[2018-10-15 18:40:20.801 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Otp Channel 3[2018-10-15 18:40:20.801 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Get dock preferred channel : Channel 3 (Player 2)[2018-10-15 18:40:20.801 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] Preferred Channel : Channel 3 (Player 2)[2018-10-15 18:40:20.809 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)CurrentFwVersion : 4.0.10371.5[2018-10-15 18:40:20.809 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)FactoryFwVersion : 4.0.10327.19[2018-10-15 18:40:20.809 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)NvmVersion :[2018-10-15 18:40:20.809 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)MacHwVersion : 6577[2018-10-15 18:40:20.809 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)RFEM1HwVersion : 8[2018-10-15 18:40:20.809 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)RFEM2HwVersion : 8[2018-10-15 18:40:20.809 +1 0x30A0 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)ActiveFwVersion : MAIN[2018-10-15 18:40:21.750 +1 0x2E74 INFO LOG] (ControlCenter)Link Condition Change : peerSignalQuality = 4, performanceQuality = 3[2018-10-15 18:40:23.933 +1 0x2718 INFO LOG] USB node not found 1.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen a number of temporary disconnects or at least 'blue screens' that seems like it is waiting for more graphical data. I use Vive Pro with the Wireless. For me it is not completely repetitive - but some games like Gunheart is running perfect every time while other games like Torn is leaving me with blue waiting screens to a degree where it is not possible to play it.

I hope my problem is not to far away from this thread and would like to know if anuýbody else has similar experiences. And by the way - yes my Wireless adapter is getting warm - but I wouldn't say hot. 

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