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Call SteamVR eye tracking calibration menu programatically/automatically

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Our use case is we are running an application for a number of users in succession of one another.
The users have either not used VR before or limited experience.

We are finding it difficult to instruct the users to open the SteamVR menu with the controller and instruct them to navigate to the eye tracking callibration after we have told them that the experience does not require a controller for input.

Is there a way we can trigger the calibration without a controller, preferably without having our user go through the SteamVR menu

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What engine are you using?


In Unity you can use these two lines to launch the calibration and show the dashboard.


            SRanipal_Eye.LaunchEyeCalibration();            OpenVR.Overlay.ShowDashboard("com.htc.vive.eyecalibration");


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