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Unreal 4.24 Support

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Just a polite bump for a reply on this from HTC. 

We are in a situation where as the Vive Pro plugin for eye tracking only works with 4.23 and we have other hardware dependencies that need 4.24 making it hard to develop with a single project. 

Any indication on whether there will be an update or even pointers on how we can update it ourselves would be most appreciated. 

@Corvus @Cotta

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@Corvus @MariosBikos_HTC @Cotta Any possibility of an update on UE4 support?

It would be helpful from our perspective to understand if/how HTC are going to support eye tracking with UE4 as it will help us both understand what we will do with our current project development work and will influence our hardware investment. 

Many thanks!

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Hi @dagillespie, sorry for taking too long to reply on this one, but I think I can definitely help you with that.
I can re-assure you that we are doing our best to make sure we support the latest Unreal Engine versions.

Can you elaborate a bit more on the issues you are facing so that I can help you? Are you getting compile errors?

If you are getting a compile error about the DartBoard.h file path not being able to be included then please make the following change in the SRanipal.Build.cs file:image.thumb.png.d022fcaef031e5c440b22c4d6b433842.png

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@Marios Bikos - Thanks for this - your code changed fixed things with us. Apologies if we missed this however it would be helpful if these kind of changes could be clearly flagged for users downloading the SDK as otherwise they get missed. We're now back to one project codebase - thanks 🙂

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