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This headset is a joke


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Translate in english please:

N'acheter surtout pas ce casque, le prix est juste une abérration, 800€ autant vous dire je me suis bien fait avoir par la communication, la pub, et les YouTubeur sponsoriser, autant être claire avec vous le PSVR à 200€ fait carrément mieux le taf que le cosmos et ça fait réfléchir. Bug des manette et du tracking qui est juste dégueulasse il n’y a pas d'autre terme a employé pour ce casque, et surtout le gros gros point noir selon moi , c'est qu'il chauffe mais il chauffe tellement que la sueur me coule dans les yeux, ça pique , pour 800€ se prendre de la sueur dans les yeux en pleine course de simracing de 20 minute c'est juste un scandale, en plus il est tres lourd et j'ai des douleur aux cervicale a cause du casque, j'ai franchement envie de balancer le casque a la gueule du président de HTC en lui disant c'est quoi cette merde!!!!, comment ce casque a pu passer les testes pour passer en vente, a ce demander si les développeur test leur casque...j’espère pouvoir me faire rembourser cette grosse merde la ou je l'ai acheté. Je n'aborderais même pas la partie graphique qui dépend exclusivement de la puissance de la machine qui fait tourné le casque. Merci à HTC, son président et toute sa clique d'avoir briser mes rêves sur la VR, je suis beaucoup plus satisfait de mon PSVR , beaucoup léger et qui ne chauffe pas. Arrive un moment ou il faut arrêter de mentir au gens. Celui qui vous a autoriser a vendre ce casque est juste inconscient de la réalité du produit.

Cordialement Guillaume Charra



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Why don't you translate by yourself instead demanding each other to do so?

You managed to do that for the headline and you also got enough time to create a long ranting post... but not a second to use a translator...

Edited by A-Jey
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I haven't had a rant for a while so here's a good opportunity.

Actually people I'm using Chrome and it gives me the option to translate automatically so not sure what the fuss is about mind you this is on a PC not a phone. Pluggins are a handy option as well. 

As for a class action law suit, lol come on really? (you obviously have never been involved with Lawyers) I admit there are a few things to be a bit unhappy about especially at launch (their marketing team can be a trifle creative on their claims but that's what they do and you shouldn't believe everything you read from a sales blurb) and even now 8 months down the track but they have shown good will to existing customers and are continuing to make efforts to resolve or improve product issues as best they can within the design limits of the device so instead of whining about a decision that you made to buy the product 😭 (there was more than enough information about the issues it has or had on the Net from day one you just had to make the effort and look) either ask for a refund and have done with it or be part of the solution and provide positive feedback and information so C. T. and his mates  can continue to work on fixing them for us. I for one prefer that outcome just say'in and stay positive👍

Fink. 😎

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Actually, a VR headset promising a VR experience, but does not deliver, IE horrible tracking, is against the very basic consumer law, at least here in the netherlands. That overrides any agreement signed with vive, and gives  you rights to return for a year.

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4 hours ago, bl1mpweeb said:

htv Actually, a VR headset promising a VR experience, but does not deliver, IE horrible tracking, is against the very basic consumer law, at least here in the netherlands. That overrides any agreement signed with vive, and gives  you rights to return for a year.

Well good for you, sounds like you've made your decision and can go get that refund and move on. I admire people who can make a choice and follow through with positive action instead of hanging around a forum and endlessly complaining about the Cosmos, not that I object to people voicing their opinions , quite the contrary, its just not the place to be effective, if you have real concerns about the product report it directly to product support or write to HTC\Vive directly you might get a official response.

I might be wrong but I think these forums are for users to report technical issues, provide feed back, log cases and upload their data so that the engineers have a real chance to work on and resolve the issues which is what I want, the product to improve and develop before the focus moves somewhere else and not read about about people's negative feelings which to be honest is just unpleasant and a lot of which noise here no offense. No one is going to listen except other pissed off people which I suppose is good therapy 😉 I've read other more relevant posts which I've found useful and helpful. As I said there are other places for complaining and if it sounds like I'm being defensive on behalf of Vive, not at all, I think they have a obligation to continue to improve the product and they have said as much themselves so for the people who remain let's help them do their job with data I'm looking forward to the next update and improvements. 

Cheers! Fink.

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