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From Wave SDK to VIU


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I only had experience with VR dev using the Wave SDK with Unity, I've never tried any other framework, I just got used to import the wavevr sdk, drag the WaveVR prefab, and manipulate it.

Looking to the new release, I saw that is now listed as "SDK for Unity Legacy Plugin (Unity 2017.4+)", and I really would like to use a 2019+ version of Unity.

So I tried to use the other method, the VIU approach, but I'm a little lost. As far as I understood, this approach is more generic, and it will allow my program to compile for other devices as well.

Of course more generic implies that a lot of features already implemented in the sdk are no there, and I'm wondering if anyone can point me to the right direction.

My questions are:

1) The Origin element in WaveVR_Render (WVR Pose origin on the ground/head/etc) exists somewhere? Or should I just place the prefab to an average human height?

2) The four cameras (center, both, left, right) are just replaced by the camera inside the ViveCameraRig? Any change there will be applied to both eyes?

3) If I want to change the rendering path to deferred, should I modify directly the Project Settings -> Graphics?


Thanks for any information you can provide me,



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Thanks Dario for the tip, I'll just write here what I did in case someone will need it in the future.

I'm using Unity 2019.4, and I cannot guarantee that all these steps are necessary, but at least now I have few samples I can work with to undestand how it works 🙂 

1) Open a new android project, of course
2) Go to Project settings -> XR Plug-in Management, and install it
3) Open the Asset Store, search for VIVE Registry Tool and install it
4) Open the Package Manager, enable Show preview packages
5) Under Unity Registry, install XR Interaction Toolkit
6) Under My Registry, install all the VIVE Wave XR Plugin packages (default, essence and native)
7) Return to Project Settings, and under XR Plug-in Management select Wave XR
😎 Open Wave XR (from the list on the left) and select Essence
9) Here you can download a lot of samples



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Hi @FrancescoFontana

About using Wave SDK via VIU, after you installed it into your project, first please make sure the Wave SDK support is enabled in the "Edit > Preferences > VIU Settings" configuration window.

After that, you can take a look at the example scenes in HTC.UnityPlugin/ViveInputUtility/Examples folder.

Briefly, the stereo camera is handled by the VIU script - VRCameraHook, so it can be crossed VR platforms.

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I managed yesterday to setup the VIU on URP and it seems to work perfectly.

Just to update everyone who like me were struggling to setup a 2019+ setup (after learning how to do it, it's pretty easy and straightforward btw) these are the final steps I'm using:

1 ) Create a new URP project on Android
2 ) Go to Project settings -> XR Plug-in Management, and install it
3 ) Open the Package Manager, enable Show preview packages
4 ) Under Unity Registry, install XR Interaction Toolkit
5 ) Open the Asset Store, search for VIVE Input Utility and install it
6 ) Under Preferences -> VIU Settings, search for WaveVR, click on Add Vive Registry and press Add
7 ) Press Add Wave XR Plugin Package
8 ) Select WaveVR
9) Right click on the Hierarchy -> XR -> Room-scale XR Rig
10 ) Build and Run

Thanks @Dario & @lawwong 🙂 


Edited by FrancescoFontana
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  • 1 year later...

Did you manage to get the Direct Preview to work ?

Tried it a lot but it seems useless.

I do not want to use the USB option because I need to see what's happening in the headset. But the WiFi mode does not work, it always shows a Connection Timeout.

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