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Room not Bright Enough


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Hello there.

The Cosmos says that my Room is not bright enough, i tried everything to make my room Brighter. On the Rift S i could play at Night.

Can you Change the Cameras brightness or something? Cause i really want to play when its dark outside, cause i can only play when the Sun is still out.


I hope someone has a solution to that problem!


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@HeinzGaming - Rift S / Quest use infrared cameras which enable them to work in lower light conditions. Cosmos and virtually all other tracked headsets are using RGB color cameras. All headsets tracked in visible light will require external lighting. You shouldn't need sunlight though - a resonable amount of artificial indoor light should be good enough.

When in room-setup - you'll be able to see your environment at the types of exposure levels that the tracking system's computer vision algorithms are seeing them which you can use to help troubleshoot environmental lighting levels. If you have really dark floors and really white walls - it can throw off the tracking because the cameras aren't able to find a good middle ground for the exposure value because the environment has two extremes of brightness/darkness.

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@VibrantNebula I have 3 White Walls, 1 dark blue wall and a White celling. Also a kinda dark oak Wood as Floor.

I have 1 light source in the middle of my room, 1 Mirror and 2 monitors. So 3 Light Producers, only my Floor and the Corners are pretty dark when i'm into the room Setup. Any advice?

Edited by HeinzGaming
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12 minutes ago, HeinzGaming said:

@VibrantNebula I have 3 White Walls, 1 dark blue wall and a White celling. Also a kinda dark oak Wood as Floor.

I have 1 light source in the middle of my room, 1 Mirror and 2 monitors. So 3 Light Producers, only my Floor and the Corners are pretty dark when i'm into the room Setup. Any advice?

If i get Like a White carpet or Something and Place it in the middle of the play area, will it fix the Problem?

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