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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. @Frank_D You're only able to query the pose through OpenVR/SteamVR. There is a C++ native SteamVR lib that you can use to integrate SteamVR devices into custom projects https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/wiki/API-Documentation. 95%+ of VR development is concentrated into Unity and Unreal so there's not a ton of public documentation on custom implementations of the C++ libraries but it's a fairly common setup in the enterprise VR space. In the future, you will likely be able to query the pose from OpenXR directly in a number of ways but for now, you need to use OpenVR/SteamVR.
  2. @adamcboyd It's in stock in most regions again
  3. @Backlogbrujo - I created a support ticket for you. Viveport support is separate from Vive Hardware support Live Chat. If you encounter this problem - you can create a ticket at the following page: https://service.viveport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?v_to_v&
  4. @steenblikrs I would recommend getting the exact model number off of your laptop and contacting Asus to see what the port mapping is for your specific model of laptop. It may have a USB-C port that you can use to drive a Displayport headset. You'd want to call and verify that one of the USB-C ports supports Displayport 1.2+ signaling and is connected directly to your dedicated GPU (usually an Nvidia card). If they say that you have a port that works, you can try the following adapter which is fairly reliable: Club 3D CAC-1507. @Captain Obvious @comcomer99 - You're both right. I accidentally linked their HDMI adapter. The Club 3D CAC-1507 is the most reliable USB-C -> Displayport adapter we've found.
  5. @Rust There's a number of versions of the Vive Pro installer floating around out and the one linked on that specific page is likely just linking to an outdated version. I'll flag it to someone for repair. Just use the standard generic Vive installer - it all installs the same stuff https://www.vive.com/eu/setup/
  6. @TU VR Here's examples for 4 stations. You'd just scale this up bearing in mind that each headset can only have a max of 4 primary base stations.
  7. @TU VR - it totally depends on your physical space, what size VR bays you're trying to create, etc... You can have upto 16 base stations in a single shared arena space as long as each basestation has been configured to occupy 1 of the 16 available unique channels. Generally, you'd line the walls of your space with stations spaced out every ~5m or so specifically trying to create overlapping sections. Depending on the shape/geometry of your room you'd try to find a configuration that maximizes the coverage for each individual headset as long as you keep in mind the range for the 2.0 basestations is ~5m. When dealing with that many basestations, I'd recommend downloading an app like BS Companion to manage the basestations power states. We'd recommend taking 1-4 headsets and tying them to a handful of stations through roomsetup. When doing roomsetup, we recommend only having power supplied to the stations that you specifically want to be the primary stations for that specific headset to help ensure roomsetup comes out the way you want it to. If you run roomsetup with a bunch of stations visible in the space, it may create undesirable effects.
  8. @nunu1800 Are you sure that: Each Vive Tracker has a dongle That if you're using the newer 2.0 Basestations, that you're also using one of the updated Vive Tracker 2018 models (easily ID'ed by their Blue logo) Trackers with grey logos won't work with 2.0 stations since their sensors are too old to detect the updated basestations. To test it at the SteamVR layer: Load up a blank SteamVR compositor, and then press the system button on the tracker or any controller. When in the system menu, all connected devices become visible. You should see a Tracker model with a checkerboard texture - that's just how it looks.
  9. If you get stuck with this issue, I would recommend filling out this support form so you can be directly connected with the correct team members to assist you. Submit a Viveport Support Request
  10. @arcaidgamer I'd recommend getting the serial numbers off all of the affected stations and contacting support to see if they fall within the warranty period. The basestations are laser devices which spin at very specific speeds - their tracking accuracy comes at the cost of being a mechanical system with high-speed moving parts.
  11. @JimatRPI Make sure that both audio devices are enabled and that all of your devices are set to proper audio levels via Window's various audio interfaces. Next go into SteamVR's settings and enable audio mirroring and then use the drop down to select your external device.
  12. @Hyunchul What does your project look like? Are you saying that you specifically are trying to heatmap during playback of a video, like a 360 video? For the most part- Pro EYE is used by enterprises organizations that do not upload their code or share their projects publicly so most implementation of the eye tracking has been custom. So for most things, you have to build it yourself. You can query data from the eye tracker via the SRAnipal SDK but you'd have to write your own scripts or attempt to incorporate other technology if you wanted to do something more advanced like heatmapping. Our SDK doesn't have analytics out of the box as we're licensing the eye-tracking technology from Tobii. Tobii licenses a more advanced SDK that's compatible with the hardware which has lots of built in analytics features. This may be the best semi-turnkey solution for you but it may cost $. You can query eye-pose data and attempt to build your own analytics tools (e.g. heatmapping) or attempt to incorporate Asset-store type products.
  13. @uqone, Try clearing the environment data and then factory resetting the console.
  14. @gomi Are you doing the controller pairing procedure? Blue just means that it's on but hasn't paired - if you hold both buttons on the controller it should enter pairing mode (flashing blue) and you then use the SteamVR UI on the desktop to pair the controller. There is an advanced process which forcibly unpairs all controllers and peripherals which can be very helpful in starting from a clean slate. It's low risk.
  15. @Gabby31 - My #1 tip for debugging optical tracking is to enable pass-through on the headset to get an idea of what the headset's cameras are actually seeing. This can let you know if things are too bright, dark, or if you don't have enough visual texture in your room. Is there enough visual "texture" in your environment to allow the headset's cameras to calculate the headset's location? If your floor is a solid color, or it's a dark floor with and you have high-contrast white walls, it can make the floor invisible to the cameras. Try confirming with pass-through. You can try to add objects to your floor to increase tracking. High contrast objects, photos, or unique patterns can help.
  16. @Frank_D We offer some API access to cameras via the SRWorks SDK https://developer.vive.com/resources/vive-sense/sdk/vive-srworks-sdk/ SRWorks is Vive's first party MR/AR SDK.
  17. @adamcboyd - I'll get the attention for someone on that team - Seattle team has changed alot due to COVID. They can discuss future lip tracking opportunities with you in private. @Sahar @ContactVIRT Updates soon. I promise.
  18. @brucef This is an unfortunate legacy behavior of SteamVR's roomsetup app. If you click "next" and actually get into the headset, you'll notice that your chaperone walls should be in the correct place. In short, the SteamVR compositor can handle larger spaces upto ~10m if you have the right base station configuration but the room setup app itself will subdivide out a 4x4m area within your larger space. The center and boundaries of this 4x4m playspace is what gets reported to the video game engines (Unity/Unreal) in order to help those apps properly be able to "center". The reason that it's 4x4m is that is where you cross from "roomscale" and start getting into arena scale stuff. By forcing there to be a virtual 4x4m space; it saves developers who built their apps to be seated or for smaller spaces to redesign their app to work with larger spaces. If you were to tell some older apps that you had a huge room - it wouldn't know how to handle it correctly and it would cause a compatibility issue. It's often called the "playspace" but your walls can actually extend beyond the playspace. It's just a smaller virtual section of your playspace, you should verify the size of your actual playspace by putting on the headset and seeing where the walls are. I hope Valve fixes this at some point in the future - it's confusing af.
  19. @Psycher1 - I am 98% sure this is solar damage sadly. The lenses can concentrate sunshine or other bright light onto the screen and cause it to burn the display and create patterns like this. Here's why I think this is solar damage: It's on both displays. If it were something else, it would be limited to one display. You're reporting that it appears to be on the Display layer and not the lenses. The streak pattern is extremely distinctive. This pattern is formed by the path of the sun as it travels through the sky - the angle that the light is focused on changes slightly until it forms a line. The part where the line stops is likely when there was a cloud that dimmed the sun for a while or something else blocked that lens for a while. The pattern is similar on both panels. The Pro has 2 OLED panels so if 1 were to fail, the other probably wouldn't fail the same way Here are a few examples of solar damage (most of which are worse than yours)
  20. @cte Is there a specific API or other tool which is requiring the access? Are the APIs just not doing what you need? On a broader note, I'd defer to Hank for a more legit answer but I highly suspect that Tobii has constructed their eye tracking platform in a way that will require you to use their drivers and runtime in order to get I/O out of the device without going through one of their APIs. It's all pretty heavily proprietary to Tobii and our SRAnipal SDK is just a simplified version of their SDK and runtime that's been licensed alongside your HMD purchase. The feature set and APis covered in our API are the ones that have licensed to us from Tobii but they have even more APIs and features that they offer as their own product. Tobii has an expanded first-party SDK, Tobii XR SDK, which has alot more features and offers more direct level hardware access but this is something that you have to pay Tobii to licensee them with. I'm not sure what level of hardware access you're trying to obtain but there may be a feature set in their SDK which may fit your use-case.
  21. @EsTehKah - Unfortunately Cosmos only supports 1 room set up profile at this time. Partially why this is like this works this way is because we don't want to store any data more data about your environment than is absolutely necessary for tracking to work for privacy reasons. Storing room profiles or previous room scans could lead to a privacy concern if that data became compromised. The slam map we generate is kept entirely on the host PC - no room data is transmitted to HTC.
  22. @alexaben Yes - that's what the Tilt Brush Toolkit is - it's a Unity SDK to specifically allow you to work with Tilt Brush files in Unity. There are short movies and experiences that have been made entirely using Tilt Brush and this toolkit. Unity SDK Scripts, shaders and tools for importing and manipulating Tilt Brush .fbx exports in Unity. Unless you specifically need to use .fbx -- for instance, because Maya is part of your workflow -- try Poly Toolkit first. Easily import sketches into Unity Brush shaders and materials Audio reactive features Examples and reusable scripts to create animations and add interactivity Click here to download the latest version of the Tilt Brush Unity SDK
  23. The USB-C port works with wireless adapter but there's a limit to how much current you can draw with that port since the device because the battery can only supply so many amps overall. It may be getting overdrawn.
  24. @Cracatoa - The installer doesn't care what the internet source is, as long as it's reliable enough to pull data from the servers without connectivity issues. If you can't install on WiFi but can on Ethernet that may indicate a local problem with your network or your PC. I've installed Viveport on some pretty basic connections and have only had problems with WiFi when my latency is super bad.
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