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Tony PH Lin

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Everything posted by Tony PH Lin

  1. Hi , Did you use the singlepass or not? If you want to work PP on left eye and right eye, you have to disable the VR support. Use the multipass. If you still have the issues, may you share more about your environment settings? Thanks.
  2. Hi , No, Wave doesn’t provide the API getting S/N to developers since PII security concern. Developers may follow Android policy to get it. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11029294/android-how-to-programmatically-access-the-device-serial-number-shown-in-the-av Thanks.
  3. To All Vive Wave SDK Developers: As some of you might know we're going to have a major release (naming SDK 3.1) coming soon in July. We'd like to collect which UE4 you're working on, and what's the benefit or key features you decide to choose. To be clarified more clearly, we'd like to support different UE plugin as many as possible however our limited bandwidth we can either support 4.21 or 4.22 at this stage. So your feedbacks are crucial for our strategy planning. Thanks a lot in advance.
  4. Hi , Thanks for your consideration. Yes, we will enable this feature to let developer can simulator the change on HMD side on next release (Ver. 3.1) planning in July now. However it might be a preliminary version to support Unity, since we expect it has change to hit errors on various PCs environments. Please be noted for UE developer, we still need more time to migrate the mechanism from Unity. Will update the schedule after collect more developers trying results the new functionality on Unity version. Thanks.
  5. Hi , You can check the Wave Runtime version by WVR_GetWaveRuntimeVersion(); WVR_GetWaveSDKVersion(); android.os.Build.MODEL is for checking Android runtime. Please do not use this to check Wave Runtime. Thanks.
  6. Hi , Thanks for you sharing, and we'll also do some experiments internally and see how we can share with you soon.
  7. Hi , We have plan to implement this, but sorry that it takes some time to launch. (say maybe Q3) I'll update again once the schedule is confirmed. Thanks.
  8. Hi , From our knowledge, there is no suggestion to use post processing on Mobile platform including Mobile phone, Focus or Focus Plus. Of course, you can try to pick up lightweight PP effect in your game but it still depends on your scene design. Therefore we don't have many suggestions to share how to make this successfully. Thanks.
  9. Hi , Could you check below items? 1. Check whether the Thirdparty/WVR copied to Engine Side or not (by checking WaveVR Sdk’s document). 2. Could you package android apk without wavevr plugin? 3. If Item 2 is true, try to enable wavevr plugin and package android apk instead launch on device 4. If Item 2 is false, you should check the android environment (by checking WaveVR Sdk’s document). Here is the getting start instruction and please check if any steps is missing. https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnrealPlugin/UnrealPluginGettingStart.html Let us know if you still get the problem. Thanks.
  10. Hi , Could you try if you enable USB debugging, run adb shell am start com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings? Thanks.
  11. Hi , In order to clarify the possible cause, can you tell us if the app works fine before but only fail inside Kiosk mode? Thanks.
  12. Hi , Sorry for late reply, thanks for your feedback. We look into your code, and please check our comment below. 1. Developer should not handle the “left-handed” mode for using WaveVR_Controller. If developer use only 1 controller, the “controller” would always be “WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right”. The unique condition of using “WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Left” is that developer uses 2 controllers concurrently and needs to get the status of left controller. No matter 1 or 2 controller(s) condition, developer never needs to check “WaveVR_Controller.IsLeftHanded” before using “WaveVR_Controller.Input”. Because WaveVR_Controller handles the left-handed mode automatically. 2. Developer uses many buttons in code: including Trigger / DPad_Up / Menu / Grip / DPad_Left / DPad_Right and System. So developer needs to specify these keys in WaveVRButton (drag from Assets/WaveVR/Prefabs) as below: And I see that “System” key is specified but it is not allowed. If developer wants a key mapping to “Thumbstick”, just specify “Thumbstick” in WaveVRButtons like: Please have a try, and provide android logcat (must enable DEBUG level in AP) if buttons are still not workable. Thanks.
  13. Hi , Thanks for your inquiry, and Yes it's the feature we'd include in our next release which target on mid of July. Will keep you posted on this thread.
  14. Hi , I guess the conflict is caused by coexist of SteamVR and WaveVR plugin. Could you try to remove SteamVR first to see if the issue still happen? BTW, there are more detail porting guide from Vive to Wave and please check it out. https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/ViveToWaveVR.html Hope this is helpful. Thanks.
  15. Hi , Sorry it's the bug of simulator function, and please use below method as short term solution. The formal fix will be included in next major release, plan in mid of July. https://community.viveport.com/t5/Vive-Wave-SDK/Highlight-Abnormal-error-on-Simulator-functionality-with-update/td-p/30059 Thanks.
  16. Hi , That article indicates how to enable button via WaveVR_ButtonList, but no sample code how to use the button. Please check the steps inside https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/WaveVR_Controller.html Thanks.
  17. Hi , The resolution on Focus+ is higher than Focus. That’s may be one of the reason why the FPS is impacted. However, in our experience it will not drop so much from 50 to 20. 2BearsStudio shares the way to change the resolution setting by modifying SDK code now: The code is in “WaveVR_TextureManager.cs”. You could force to change the resolution setting here. It will reduce the Unity rendering cost; however, not reduce the SDK rendering plugin cost. But we still guess there might be other factors to cause the FPS drop on your project. Thanks.
  18. Hi , Thanks for the reply, and we will continue to improve the issue and plan to have another FOTA around the end of Jun. Will keep you updated.
  19. Hi , Thanks for feedback this case, and unfortunately we can't allow to enable debug mode at this moment. We will improve it on our next release, target on mid of July.
  20. Hi , Thanks for the feedback, and one more question. Which scene do you observe the distortion, in the launcher or in the game? BTW, we have planning the next FOTA around the end of June, and may include the improvement of the distortion issue.
  21. Hi , There are few items we would like to check with you. 1. Did you follow the OOBE(instruction) to adjust the IPD, strap and rear arm? 2. If above steps confirmed, please help to take off the face sponge and check if the distortion issue is getting better.
  22. Hi , We'd need some further info. help us to clarify your symptom. I'll send you PM soon. Thanks.
  23. Hi , Can you specify what exactly the workable "old version" is? (which ROM version or which app version)? RD side confirm there is no changes to the playback engine of Viveport Video. Thanks.
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