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Posts posted by dario

  1. VIVE OpenXR PC Unreal Plugin Release 1.0.0

    [Version] 1.0.0


    Support OpenXR extensions:

    Documentation of usage for the scene understanding and facial tracking features is included.

    Sample applications for both scene understanding and facial tracking are included.


       Plugin:  ViveOpenXRPlugin.zip

       Sample Project:  ViveOpenXRPluginSample.zip


    VIVE OpenXR PC Unity Plugin Release 1.0.1

    [Version] 1.0.1


    1. Fix that VIVE Cosmos controller profile cannot work with SteamXR runtime.
    2. Separate the mesh subsystem from VIVE OpenXR plugin. Which means you won’t include mesh subsystem when you only enable VIVE OpenXR scene understanding feature.


    [Download]:   (install via package manager)





    1. The controller profiles are all work fine with Unity OpenXR plugin 1.3.1.
    2. OpenXR gaze function in controller sample scene is not working with Unity OpenXR plugin 1.3.1, but working with 1.2.8.


    [Previous Version] 1.0.0


    Support OpenXR extensions:

    Sample applications for both scene understanding and facial tracking are included.
    Documentation of usage for the scene understanding and facial tracking features is included.


      “XR_HTC_facial_tracking” is published in OpenXR SPEC -XR_HTC_facial_tracking.


    VR/MR experience setting

    We have created an OpenXR setting for developers to pre-set its application experience (environment blend mode).

    This is a short-term solution since an application should be able to set the environment blend mode through OpenXR API



    The application experience will be set to VR by default.



    Runtime will try to blend the real environment with the content when the application experience is set to MR.



    Please note that Unity OpenXR plugin 1.3.1 seems having some issues on OpenXR button binding.
    In its controller sample, only trigger and grip button work.

    However Unity OpenXR plugin 1.2.8 which is a verified version does not have this symptom and all works fine.

    ViveOpenXRPluginSample.zip ViveOpenXRPlugin.zip

  2. The Wave documentation and SDK is what developers use for Focus 3 development. 

    It's all there at http://developer.vive.com , select Develop then pick VIVE Wave SDK or go directly to:


    For documentation, release notes, tutorial blog posts and more to come (videos).

    Looking ahead this year in 2022 there will also be OpenXR which is already in early access, to apply: https://forms.office.com/r/CR8R32T7xD

    I would recommend using either Unity's XRI or our VIU cross platform toolkit for targeting most devices with the same code base (even Oculus) on both PC and Android platforms.  You can target Wave or OpenXR using XR Management in Unity.

    Please use the latest VIU 1.14.2 which fixes the build issue in 1.14.1:  https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity/releases

    Also please use the latest Wave SDK 4.3  (3.2 is legacy for 2018 and earlier).


  3. hi @lechiM123

    Were you able to find helpful  info on the Mirror forums or general Unity forums for details on multiplayer synching in general?  Depending on how multiplayer is implemented you may or may not have to edit the Basic Grabble VIU script.  We will try to follow up with a networking example at some point (we've been meaning to for some time).but we're not that familiar with Mirror but we'll take a look - generally this forum discusses VIU specific issues so again I would recommend the other forums. But if you've made progress certainly report back here.  Again it depends on the multiplayer framework, but we'll try to generally advise on how grabbles can handle networked events. I would also suggest taking a look at how other networking solutions work with other toolkits e.g. using  'interactables' vs 'grabbables'.

  4. 5 minutes ago, bipul mohanto said:

    Hi! I am using HTC Vive Pro Eye, and want to setup OpenXR. I do not want to use Unreal Engine, Unity3D, or any other game engine, because so far I know, none of the game engines included real-time raytracing feature for VR. Literally, I want to build my own raytracing engine with DX12. How can I setup OpenXR for my purpose? Is there any available tutorial? I did not find any details on that except the MSFS documentation. 

    For the VIVE Pro Eye, you'd be using the SteamVR OpenXR runtime by default - but it sounds like you want to write your own runtime, all the documentation to do so is at http://openxr.org and the MS documentation as you mentioned. For features not available in the core spec, another path is to write an extension or propose one to the working group on the public slack or consider joining the group.

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  5. Please see OpenXR early access application form in pinned thread - please see the VIU cross platform toolkit for a good example of hand tracking - over on the openxr forum here on forum.vive.com please see the hand tracking extension sample demo (PC - but should work similarly once avail on Android).  Yes MRTK can be used (it's been done before and no reason why you can't do it as well).

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  6. Make sure you include the right Wave script to pick up the actual models from the runtime.  Here's a prefab that should do the trick - take a look at the attached scripts in the inspector.


    Here's an example scene from one of the Wave SDK Essence samples, ControllerInput (replacing existing controllers)



    p.s.: if you use one of VIU (Vive Input Utility) toolkit's ViveRig prefabs this is taken care of for all platforms (not just Wave or Vive)

  7. Note: This closed early preview of the OpenXR alpha for Focus 3 is now closed.  If you have an urgent request please let us know. NDAs will no longer be required for the public beta - but you still need to register to obtain the firmware update for the beta.


    For the early access (private alpha) please apply here:

    Unfortunately at this time, only native and Unity support will be provided. UE support in now in UE5

    Unity developers should start familiarizing themselves with Unity's latest OpenXR plugin package. Once accepted you'll be given access to our package that will provide Focus 3 feature support. Code remains the same if you're supporting a cross platform like Unity's XR Interaction toolkit or our Vive Input Utility (VIU) toolkit and possibly several others if they support the XR management system.

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, MARKorio said:

    Currently in Unity 2020.3.20f1 with the OpenXR version of 1.2.8. I have successfully installed the tarball and I can see the "HTC Vive Cosmos Controller Support" in the interaction profile but I cannot add it no matter how many times I have restarted the unity etc. From @zezba9000 work around, I found the "nameUi: HTC Vive Cosmos Controller Support" in the file called "HtcViveCosmosInputFeature.cs" but I cannot find any "m_enabled" or just "enable". Please help.

    We just updated the VIVE Cosmos Controller feature in the top most pinned topic.  This supports the latest Unity updates.

  9. Generally, you wouldnt change materials or scripts in Packages (shared across projects - hence may be set to read-only) - but if you need to make an edit - it's best to copy the package into your local packages repo cache and then make edits there or copy what you need to edit and include it in your assets (avoiding script name scope issues).

  10. Make sure in the package manager you scroll down and select  the latest 4.1.1 and not the default selected one. Also, select to download the samples for each package.  Installing Essence first will auto install the other 2 package dependencies - then as before go to Project settings for each package to actually install the samples. Known issue: there are sample dependencies and those aren't auto detected so install all the samples.


  11. Ok got it:  You meant: users e.g. when installing Viveport (users not publishing - but just using Viveport and only when never having installed SteamVR before).

    So you're referencing the embedded/bundled Steamvr with Viveport - even though that steamVR should be able to update itself (and set the default openxr as itself).  So potentially the window is small for when a user who doesn't update would see the issue (a subset of a subset).

    In anycase now that it's clear, I'll have somone on the Viveport forum look into this issue.


  12. Hi @simeon


    For the Vive Cosmos OpenXR runtime you should be ok - for the SteamVR OpenXR runtime you need to have installed SteamVR (preferably the latest version) to get OpenXR support there. For both runtimes, from the SteamVR console or from the Vive console, you can specify which runtime is the default (on Windows it checks a registry setting). For SteamVR you can check which runtime is the default or set SteamVR as the default from the Developer Settings in the Steamvr console.




  13. On 8/2/2021 at 8:59 AM, thmsvdberg said:

    I tried using the Cosmos specification and the above workaround, but the resulting build would then no longer start SteamVR anymore at all - something must've broken in the OpenXR settings. Had to revert in source control to get it working again. Is this method still functional?


    You can select which OpenXR runtime you want to run in the drop down in Unity (or select default) - if using default which ever runtime is set will be used (can be set from within each runtime (ViveCosmos or SteamVR)



  14. Hi @kjakubison

    We've had URP working since 3.2 (even 3.2 legacy before Unity XR plugin system) so this is unexpected.

    I tested several apps (and a new project) that uses URP (with Unity 2019.4.28) and updated to the latest Wave 4.1 and no problem

    Then I tested with all the latest versions: Wave 4.1, Unity 2020.3.14 - in a new proiect using the URP template but using a scene where I converted materials to URP... and I was able to repro. So I will confirm with older projects as well as the template scene soon.

    So what I see is that the build process is some how reverting the materials to non URP - the editor is showing the pink materials after the build - again this is after converting materials to URP before building.   It looks to me so far as a Unity bug - I'm going to continue to isolate the issue and follow up here. I would suggest if you can revert to 2019 - or start going backwards from your current 2020.x version until it works would be the immediate recourse until we can isolate and report the issue.

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