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Everything posted by GhostPsi

  1. Interesting updates I will check them out once my focus 3 is back from repair, hopefully you guys get the spare parts quick! Amazing work as always C.T This has more to do with your setup than the software, youre being limited by either your video encoding or your network. Try with a cable and I promise you you wont have any issues.
  2. Ill trust you on this and hopefully it will work well during our events in germany during summer, any updates when it comes to Sweden?
  3. Awesome update I can really feel the hand tracking being alot better, a quick question if you are able to answer it whats determining the Wifi6E activation/deactivation im asking as we are gonna travel overseas and are wondering if it will automatically apply when we are at events or if we might need to force it on?
  4. You need the 200mbps aka you need to be able to send 24mb/s stable trough your router and your router needs to be able to handle that routing without interference if you wanna run the headset to its full potential. I think the 40mhz channel is 287MBPS under perfect conditions which we all know doesnt happen anywhere other than at labs. My setup is a Unify dream router with wifi optimized wifi6 and a 12900k + 3080. I also changed the config file to run 2662x2662 or 2442x2442 and I max out my GPU encoding at 95%, my PC is sending 190mpbs and I have no packet losses happening. So yeah you need to be able to send X amount of data depending on resolution you wanna stream.
  5. So inside the Quality preset set "RX": 2448, "RY": 2448, This will be the maximum amount of quality streaming you can get anything more and i max out the video encoder I guess the RS is a multiplier, this setting will result in a maxed out Nvidia Encoder and also native resolution which will heavily improve text clarity.
  6. Have you tried listening to the microphone in windows itself and see if its to low?
  7. Awesome update and working flawlessly with studio drivers for now, maybe add a note to always use studio drivers with any beta driver? A more technical question tho what is limiting us for higher quality sent to the headset? Im imagining we are sending a stream to the headset thats being encoded by NVENC and all the headset is doing with the stream is decoding it. How far could we theroetically push the headset in terms of quality? 4k? 5k?
  8. Hello my focus 3 is very prone to losing my boundary and since I use it 100% for steamVR streaming with a steamVR chaperone boundary is totally useless for me, is there a way to disable the boundary for good or a fix for it losing the boundary all the time? Boundary can be lost just by swapping battery, taking off the headset and in general just doing anything with the headset, my room is open and always lit up with a lamp so the room isnt an issue. Kind Regards Markus
  9. Anyone noticed heavier fan sound when running the higher quality? My Focus 3 fan seems to be really rampant sometimes
  10. Im experiencing similar issues with the steamVR crash I even have freezes from time to time, which specific studio drivers do you use and which regular non studio did you try?
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