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Everything posted by 1099

  1. This dialog will keep poping up even I press accept all. How can I stop poping up the dialog?
  2. Hi, is there a way to detect and respond to button presses on VR controllers to provide visual feedback in the VR application? For this image, the VR application displays the controller but, in the current situation, doesn't indicate which button is being pressed. I am wondering if there's a method to achieve this, such as highlighting the button in blue in the app when a button is pressed.
  3. @Alex_HTC Great, thank you for your reply! Do you know where it will be generated? I didn't see the exact location where I deleted it.
  4. @chengnay "Could you try delete the AndroidManifest.xml file under Assets\Plugins\Android folder and try again?" What happens if I delete the AndroidManifest.xml file? Will it automatically generate the file somewhere else? I deleted it, and it worked, but I don't see the AndroidManifest.xml file anymore.
  5. Some objects were not cleaned up when closing the scene. (Did you spawn new GameObjects from OnDestroy?) Cannot set the parent of the GameObject 'VIUModelViveController(Clone)' while activating or deactivating the parent GameObject 'Model'. Have anyone encountered this error? I have multiple scenes in Unity, and each scene has a player. The player contains ViveCameraRig, and I am getting those errors above. It will still run throughout the game, but I want to resolve these errors if possible. Any suggestions for resolving this?
  6. @chengnay thank you! Is this sample scene supposed to be able to use a virtual keyboard? Is the virtual keyboard UI prefab included? Assets/Samples/Wave/IMEMgr_Test.
  7. Thank you for your reply @chengnay I am not able to install the Essence and Native plugin from the Package Manager. There was only VIVE WAve XR Plugin available in the Unity Asset Store. Did you get those plugins from GitHub or somewhere else? I install the Essence plugin from Edit > Preferences > VIU Setting > WaveXR and I don't see the PureUnity or Essence sample in folders in my Assets.
  8. @chengnay Thank you for the information. I am trying to check the Assets/Samples/Wave/IMEMgr_Test file, but I cannot find it. I install the Wave SDK package, and I think I have Wave Essence 5.2.0 - r.8 I couldn't find the sample file. Do you know where the sample scene is located for the keyboard?
  9. @chengnay Is the UGUI example scene's text field only compatible with the Steam plugin? Hi, @Annabell which asset are you using? I am looking for a way to implement the virtual keyboard as well.
  10. Is it possible to get a CSV file from HTC Vive Focus 3 and Oculus Quest 2 with or without the internet? I am developing a project using Unity and I want to export data from the project in a CSV file. I want it to be able to export the CSV file after the user plays the project I am working on. The user will be using HTC Vive Focus 3 and Oculus Quest 2. I am wondering if I can get the CSV file in those headsets.
  11. Great! It works now!! Thank you so much @chengnay ☺️
  12. Yes!! snap turn!! I am trying to do in the controller like this in the video start at 5:37. snap turn using the controller Joystick.
  13. Thank you for your quick reply @chengnay! What I am looking for is to HMD Rotation. I can rotate HMD with using keyboard IJKL. I want to same HMD rotation when I put it on the Quest 2 and Focus 3 headsets with the controllers.
  14. I am developing Unity VR project using Oculus Quest 2 and Vive Focus 3. I am not able to find the information for add rotation to the Quest 2 and Focus 3 controllers. I am using VIU Oculus Android and WaveXR not SteamVR, and OpenXR. Can anyone point out where I can find the information how to implement rotation? Is there any script I can attach to add rotation to the controller? I have ViveCameraRig in the Player. I checked these links below ... VIU Settings · ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity Wiki · GitHub Vive Input Utility - Developer Resources Community Form Thank you!
  15. If so, is there any documentation?
  16. oh bummer! I see ok, wish I could control everything at the same time. Thank you for your response!
  17. @chengnay I want to access Vive Menu button through the Simulator using TryGetFeatureValue method instead of ViveInput.GetPress or ViveInput.GetPressEx. The ViveInput will only works for Vive controller but the I can implement other devices if I use TryGetFeatureValue.
  18. I did screen record what I see. So, when I move my mouse the right and left controller pointers move togeter and I am not able to select anything using the pointer. However, I can select and move the pointer if I turn on device 1 or device 2 (turn green) as you can see in the gif image. WSADEQ will move forward backward right left the player.
  19. Thank you @chengnay! Is that the only those I could use? Can I use a method from Unity as I mentioned above?
  20. Do I need to use this specific method to access menu button for the VIU simulator? ViveInput.AddListenerEx(HandRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu, ButtonEventType.Down, menuButton) Or, can I use different method such as Unity's TryGetFeatureValue? Unity - Manual: Unity XR Input (unity3d.com)
  21. I am not able to move the right and left controllers (pointers) when all show white color. I can move those when I select the number (e.x 1 or 2) and turn it to green color.
  22. I tried this but the right controller or the left controller pointer won't move unless I select 1 or 2. I couldn't move the pointer when the top HMD 0, 1, 2, if all show white color. I am wondering if I miss something.
  23. @chengnay It works! Thank you so much! I have another question. Do I need to use this specific method to access Simulator button? ViveInput.AddListenerEx(HandRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu, ButtonEventType.Down, menuButton) Or, can I use different method such as Unity's TryGetFeatureValue? Unity - Manual: Unity XR Input (unity3d.com)
  24. I want to implement UI canvas display on off with menu button with simulator. How can I attempt this? I created two functions to turn on off, but I am not sure if this is the right approach. private void menuButtonOff() { ViveInput.RemoveListenerEx(HandRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu, ButtonEventType.Down, menuButtonOff); cube.SetActive(false); } private void menuButton() { ViveInput.AddListenerEx(HandRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu, ButtonEventType.Down, menuButton); cube.SetActive(true); Debug.Log("test menu button"); }
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